I have been drawn to working with textiles for as long as I can remember. I love how the wide variety of colors, textures, and patterns of wools and flannels add so much to a design. I began working with wool in about 2000 and was immediately hooked! My first line of Penny Rug patterns was designed in 2001 and I attended my first Quilt Market in 2002. Soon after, I began designing fabric for Maywood Studio. One of my first fabric lines was a collection of flannels meant to look like wool called, “Woolies”. The “Woolies” have been refreshed over the years and I’ve added another collection called, “Color Wash” which looks like hand dyed wools. I’m still in love with these flannels and I enjoy mixing the “Woolies” and “Color Wash” flannels and wool in many of my projects – they work so well together! I’ve published hundreds of patterns under the name, “All Through the Night”, and have written books with Martingale and Quiltmania. I feel so fortunate that I have been able to turn something I enjoy into my profession and would love to share my joy of working with textiles with you.