Location: Camino, California
Telephone: +1 760-610-6929
The following information applies to all tours and cruises associated World of Quilts Travel and takes precedence over any other information. The total amount of your trip, the amount paid to date, date of future payments due will be found on your account at wetravel.com. You will receive an itemized statement by email upon booking. You will receive a “payment due” notice 7 days prior to any payment deadline. Important information such as the name of the cruise line or airline as well as your itinerary will be found under the website for your trip. Deadlines and important dates are provided on your wetravel.com booking agreement.
We reserve the right to cancel anyone at anytime for any reason.
EMAILS & INTERNET ACCESS: Emailing us? Please use worldofquiltstravel@gmail.com, no other address or through the wetravel.com system as we are not assured of getting it and cannot be responsible for something we do not receive.
A working EMAIL ADDRESS is required by every guest so that you are able to receive updates and payment information, including invoices. There are no exceptions. Please update your yahoo.com, gmail.com or hotmail.com email server to accept email from worldofquiltstravel@gmail.com to avoid our informational emails from being blocked. Email is how we update you, send invoices and is also how cruise lines notify you of any changes. If you do not have an email address, please create one. We are not responsible for any email that is not received.
Third party bookings are not allowed. Someone on each booking must be traveling and provide their email address. Each person booking accepts responsibility that each person in the booking has read and accepted our terms and conditions as well as the booking agreement found at wetravel.com.
By registering and depositing a cruise or tour with World of Quilts Travel through the services of the travel agency, Deb Roberts’ Tours, one acknowledges that they will periodically review and agree to any updated terms and conditions as they occur:
SUMMARY OF TERMS (please read all terms and conditions, but in essence)
- Booking a cruise or tour with us indicates your agreement to these Terms and Conditions and to review these Terms and Conditions periodically until your trip commences as Deborah J Roberts, LLC or Deb Roberts’ Tours reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to change, modify, delete or otherwise alter portions of these terms at any time. Any such change, modification, deletion or alteration shall be effective immediately upon posting. Once again, your registration for any tour or cruise or travel opportunity means you accept this and will review this site periodically for any modification or change and constitutes your agreement to them until the day your travel commences.
- ALL bookings must be made through Deb Roberts’ Tours. Cruise participants who book on their own are not able to participate in our events or excursions, this is a cruise line rule.
- When you book any cruise or tour, you are agreeing to pay our advertised price. It is to be understood that on cruises, you will pay over (more than) the actual cruise cost. This additional fee covers our expenses to host the various quilting portions of the cruise.
- All payments must be made in US Dollars (USD) however if you use wetravel.com you have a choice to pay in your own currency and they will convert it.
- We reserve the right to cancel any booking at any time for any reason.
- All guests will be required to have the appropriate Covid-19 vaccines and boosters for travel as required by their destination.
- It may be that some hotels, cruise lines, tour companies, countries, etc. might require you to have a Covid 19 vaccine. Prior to booking if you have not been vaccinated you must be willing to get the vaccine. It is your responsibility to make certain they are the appropriate vaccines for travel to your destination.
- The possibility of contracting Covid or any virus increases with travel due to dense areas of people in airports and on airplanes. We need to be aware of this possibility and take precautions as necessary. You are responsible to the requesting party (government entity, hotel, cruise line, tour company, etc.) should proof of Covid Vaccine be required. This can occur at anytime without prior announcement. We are not responsible for those not having this verification with them when requested. Should you be denied services, remember you have undertaken travel at your own risk, we are under no obligation to you should you be asked for vaccine verification and you do not have it.
- PCR or antigen Covid 19 tests may be required before departure for your journey or on arrival to any country. These rules can change in minutes. It is your responsibility to know this information and take the appropriate test, bringing proof of a negative test with you for departure if requested. There may also be a test required for you to return home. Please pay attention to terms, announcements and rules from your cruise line or airline or country of arrival and departure, these rules may change rapidly. Deb Roberts Tours is not responsible for providing Covid 19 test information or for the cost of these tests.
- It may be requested that masks be worn during a group or workshop activity, regardless of a country, cruise line or hotel policy. This is to protect everyone. Failure to comply will result in your being kept from the activity. Medical reasons are not acceptable, if you have a medical reason that would keep you from wearing a mask you should reconsider your trip for health related safety anyway.
- Tours and cruises are booked through Deborah J Roberts LLC, DBA Deb Roberts’ Tours.
- It is understood that you undertake travel at your own risk.
- We have no special unpublished knowledge (in other words, otherwise something NOT publicly available to you) regarding the financial condition of any suppliers (airline, cruise ship, hotel/motel, coach company, tour company, ship line) or unsafe conditions, health or safety hazards, weather hazards, or climate extremes at locations to which you may travel. We can never guarantee safety, you should always follow all CDC and WHO guidelines and consult with your medical professional to assess your own risk factors when deciding when and where to travel, and if it is right for you. Please see our section below about health and safety concerns. We reserve the right to cancel or postpone any tour at anytime or any reason at our discretion to protect the health and safety of our clients. For the health and safety of each group member, each member of the group will need to agree to our Liability Waiver at the end of these terms and conditions. Travel insurance is strongly recommended.
- You are voluntarily participating on any tour or cruise with Deb Roberts’ Tours, and as lawful consideration for the agreement to travel with Deb Roberts’ Tours, you agree not to make a claim against Deborah Roberts LLC, Deb Roberts’ Tours, its related suppliers, companies, officers and employees for injuries, illness, death, delays, government shutdown, bank failure, financial disruption or any other claim and agree to release Deborah Roberts LLC, Deb Roberts’ Tours, its related suppliers, companies, officers and employees from any such claim. This release is binding on all members of your traveling party including those who you might book on their behalf, as well as your/their Estate and heirs and this provision shall be enforceable even after your trip has ended.
- Unless stated on the website, there is a minimum enrollment requirement for each trip. We will notify you when that requirement has been met and the trip is a definite GO. We suggest not making air arrangements or booking additional activities until after this announcement. After the trip is announced as a GO we are counting on you. Announcing a “GO” does not obligate us if people cancel below our minimum number of guests.
- “GO” announcement. Once a tour or cruise has been announced as a go, there are cancellation penalties. Please see our terms and conditions below should you wish to cancel.
- Cancellation requests must be accompanied by a signed note.
- We are not able to accept new bookings once there are only 30 days to a tour or cruise unless under a special circumstance when there is room.
- We strongly suggest that you do not book airfare until your tour/cruise is confirmed as a GO. We are not responsible for individual airfare purchases at anytime. Cancelation of your tour/cruise does not constitute our responsibility for airline purchases – please be responsible and insure your airfare along with the rest of your trip.
- Until a cruise or a tour is announced as a ‘GO’ we will not be sending out details on a trip. However, should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at anytime.
- Each trip has a hard deadline date to cancel on the booking agreement on wetravel.com or has no refund at all if you booked within 120 days of travel. Please make note of this date, there are no exceptions for cancellations received after this date.
- Please see our cancelation rules below. WE DO NOT ACCEPT EMAIL CANCELLATIONS, we MUST HAVE a copy of a signed note. You may write it, scan or photograph it and send in an email, but we must have your signature.
- There is an administration fee to cancel any cruise or tour, this amount will be found on the wetravel.com booking agreement. Refunds are not possible once the final cancellation date on your wetravel.com booking agreement passes.
- When requesting any deposit refund, please note cancellations with refunds are not possible when requested after the deadline stated on your booking contract. The booking contract (agreement) is that part of your online booking fill in form that starts with, “By submitting this registration I acknowledge that I read, understand and agree to ALL OF the terms and conditions…” See your registration materials (your booking agreement at wetravel.com) that can be found in your wetravel.com account for that deadline date. NOTE!! Because we are liable for non-refundable deposits to hold space, some tours/cruises have non-refundable deposits. Please be certain you check the details on your agreement and see the cancellation policy below. Deposit refunds on land tours are not possible.
- Due to unforeseen circumstances, there may be times when tours, cruises, shore trips, teachers, itinerary, inclusions, projects, special offers, side trips, day tours, and schedules (dates) may need to change, sometimes without notice. Your booking with us indicates your understanding of this possibly challenging event. Your obligation to the trip does not change and our cancellation policy remains unchanged should this occur. Should we reschedule a tour or cruise for unforeseen reasons, that is not a cancellation. All previous obligations for cancellation and payment dates as well as penalties remain unchanged from your original tour dates.
- In order to participate in related activities, all cruises and tours offered through World of Quilts Travel must be booked through Deb Roberts Tours. We cannot make exceptions, thank you for your understanding.
- Once the final payment has been made, refunds are no longer possible, no matter the reason. Travel protection is highly recommended. You may purchase through our link which we will provide for any trip. We are not allowed to provide travel protection to residents in NY due to NY insurance law, however you may research and purchase from any reputable travel insurance provider such as Travel Guard or Travel Insured, according to their terms.
- Please retain your invoices for your records. You book your trip through a 3rd party booking source, therefore we do not have copies. Should you misplace an invoice or receipt, you will need to get a copy from them (wetravel.com) We cannot provide copies.
- Booking through wetravel.com? All of the terms and conditions stated here apply in addition to those on your booking form and the terms and conditions at wetravel.com. All wetravel.com payments are to be made in US dollars unless specified. If you prefer bank transfer over a credit card be certain your bank allows such transfers. If receiving a refund through wetravel.com please note: fee refunds are based upon the amount of the money refunded, if you receive a partial refund, you will a proportionate refund of the fees paid. Should you be refunded or compensated through another source refunds of service charges or fees are not possible. We are not responsible for refund differences based upon currency exchange rate changes.
- Deb Roberts’ Tours is not responsible for typographical errors, misunderstandings or omissions.
- We do not use cookies. We will not share your email address except to teachers who need a class list to contact you regarding classes. We ask them to honor our policy of not sharing or using your email for any other reason. If you do not want your email shared with a teacher, please notify us in writing when you register for the trip.
- Registration for the tour package constitutes to agreement and consent to all legal policies and terms and conditions described here our Terms and Conditions pages. Neither the Operator, Tour Hosts, nor any mentioned or unmentioned parties, people, subagents / affiliates shall be held responsible for any illness, death, personal injury, property damage, delays or other loss a passenger incurs on any tour arising from acts or omissions by any air carrier, public transport company, hotel, car rental company, subcontractor or other person or organization, whether or not such company is rendering any services supplied on the tour.
- All travel supplied is subject to the foregoing and to any and all terms and conditions under which transportation and services are provided. Deborah J Roberts, LLC or Deb Roberts’ Tours accepts no responsibility for losses or expenses due to delay or changes in schedules, flight cancellations or missed connections due to mechanical problems, sickness, quarantine, weather, acts of God, strikes, government actions, war, terrorism, pandemics, epidemics or other unforeseen events or circumstances beyond its control. Clients must bear all such losses or expenses.
- Insurance is not included but is a highly recommended option, please review coverage at the appropriate link on the tab to the left of your trip information. Insurance rates are subject to change until the time of booking/final payment. Due to the insurance rules for New York, we are not able to offer insurance to residents of this state or to international guests, however it can be purchased online from any travel insurance provider. Please see their rules. You may purchase travel protection from any source you like, the company we work with is TravelInsured. We are unable to assist with any issue that might arise with the purchase of travel protection as it is an independent purchase from a different company, you are agreeing to their terms and conditions when you purchase your policy. As it is a separate purchase and we do not collect payment for it, we do not refund travel protection policy purchases under any circumstance, even if we cancel a trip. It is a separate purchase from our company and you must agree to the insurance provider’s terms and conditions upon purchase. Please read these carefully We cannot comment on coverage or rules, please check with the insurance provider if you have questions. Refunds for the purchase of insurance from the company you purchase it from may or may not be allowed, read your policy documents carefully before purchasing. Once again, this is a separate purchase from Deb Roberts’ Tours, we do not process travel protection refunds no matter the circumstance. You should find that you have 14 days to cancel any policy with a refund, if you do not see this on your purchase contact please check with the insurance company. As it is a separate purchase, World of Quilts Travel/Deb Roberts’ Tours is not responsible for the purchase of travel protection at any time, even if a tour cancels and it can no longer be used.
- Deborah J Roberts, LLC or Deb Roberts’ Tours reserves the right to alter prices at any time prior to departure due to supplier cost increases or if there are circumstances due to currency rate fluctuations. Many international tour prices are based on foreign currency rates, any changes in exchange rates of more than 1% may affect published prices at any time prior to departure. You will be notified of such changes and by booking any tour or cruise you agree to pay any increases before travel commences, even if the final payment has been made.
- Participation on any cruise or tour is for the enjoyment of our guests – this is their vacation/holiday. Personal or business promotion of any kind will not be tolerated and such person will be banned from further group participation.
- CRUISING?? Please note, any item you add to your cruise through any cruise line we use must be paid for when you add this item. We are not notified of additional purchases. If we inadvertently find something on your booking we are not aware of and it has not been paid for, it will be canceled. Additionally, any booking left with an unpaid balance from something you add on your own is subject to being cancelled without refund. Your booking a cruise with us indicates your understanding of this policy.
- Please review all of the travel warnings with regard to information below under Health & Safety.
- ***FORCE MAJEURE applies to all bookings. “Force Majeure” means, in relation to Deborah J Roberts LLC/Deb Roberts’ Tours, any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Deborah J Roberts LLC/Deb Roberts’ Tours, (including, but without limitation, acts of God, explosion, flood, tempest, forceful wind, fire or accident, war or threat of war declared or undeclared, acts of terrorism, sabotage, insurrection, riots, strikes, civil disturbance, requisition, disappearance, sickness, pandemic, epidemic, quarantine, government intervention, bank failure, economic catastrophe, economic monetary changes, currency devaluation, currency collapse, weather conditions, defects in machinery and vehicles, delay, wildlife, or other untoward occurrences). Deborah J Roberts LLC/Deb Roberts’ Tours shall not be deemed to be in breach of these terms and conditions or otherwise be liable to you for any reason including, by reason of delay in performance, or by non-performance, of any of its obligations hereunder to the extent that any such delay or non-performance is due to any Force Majeure. In this instance, refunds/vouchers/credits/trip will not be possible. THE PURCHASE OF TRAVEL INSURANCE IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ON ALL TRIPS.
- In the event of bank failure or economic catastrophe or currency collapse Force Majeure will be in effect and applies to all bookings. Refunds will not be possible in the event of bank failure, the institution of digital currency, economic catastrophe or devaluation of currencies here or in any international destination. It is to be understood that by booking a tour or cruise you risk that your payments may not be refundable under such circumstances. Please purchase travel protection.
- We expect that each guest act appropriately, kindly, honestly, and refrain from bullying and be kind at all times. Should we find that a guest is disregarding these expectations hey will be removed from the group. In such a case refunds will not be possible.
- Wetravel.com is NOT our website, it is a booking and payment tool we use. As such, you may find that your booking through wetravel.com may be canceled at the end of your trip or AFTER YOUR TRIP concludes. This is to prevent further emails from wetravel.com or any solicitation from them.
- We are not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
- Once you have registered for your trip, you give consent to receive promotional emails. To be removed from this list please feel free to unsubscrube at any time. It is not permissible for any guest to collect and disseminate email addresses or contact information of individuals on a group tour.
- We reserve the right to block future bookings or deny (cancel) service to anyone for any reason.
TERMINOLOGY: Wording such as ‘tour’, ‘cruise’ or ‘trip” will be used synonymously throughout these terms and conditions.
EMAILS & INTERNET ACCESS: An email address with an internet connection is required by every guest so that you are able to receive updates and payment information, including invoices. There are no exceptions. Email is how we update you, send invoices and is also how cruise lines notify you of any changes. If you do not have an email address, find a friend who has one who will accept emails for you.
***We cannot be responsible for emails that we do not receive. If you question whether we have received a communication from you, please inquire.
Please notify us promptly of email or other personal address change, it is not our responsibility to know how to reach you should your email address bounce back or not work. In other words, if you do not notify us – we will not know.
We are not responsible for information contained in emails that are not received when sent to the correct email address. If they bounce back, we will investigate further, if they do not bounce back, your registration on any trip constitutes your releasing us from liability for information in emails you may not receive.
HANDCRAFTED RETREATS: While World of Quilts Travel promotes the activities of HandCrafted Retreats, HandCrafted Retreats is a separate business from World of Quilts Travel, these terms to not apply to their bookings nor theirs to ours.
TOUR MANAGERS: All of our cruises and tours are accompanies by our owner, Deb Roberts and/or one of our experienced tour mangers. You will find a short introduction to our tour managers on this page – https://worldofquiltstravel.com/tourmanagers/
Tour managers ARE NOT TOUR GUIDES or personal assistants but are there solely to make sure your tour or cruise runs smoothly.
REGISTRATIONS: All registrations must be completed on wetravel.com, one form for each person participating in the cruise or tour unless the same person (spouse or friend) is paying for all parties on the booking.
Re-booking or transferring to a different trip will require a new registration.
We do not accept responsibility for email or snail mail to the wrong address if we are not notified of an address change, no matter the circumstance. We accept no responsibility for emails that are sent and not received if they do not bounce back – we have no way of knowing that something is not received when this happens. Please be certain we are updated with your current contact information.
BY registering for your cruise or tour, you agree to the following terms and conditions and you hereby release Deb Roberts’ Tours or any sponsor from all claims arising out of any issue associated with the trip.
Registrations AFTER a final payment deadline must be paid in full and all deadlines for cancellation are null and void. Please be certain of your intentions to take the trip, refunds are not possible when full payment has been made.
BOOKING AIR – REMINDER: When participating in a program that requires you to book your own air, please do not book air until it has been confirmed that your program is a “GO”. We are not responsible for airfare bookings or refunds at any time or in the event that we need to cancel our tour/cruise/event. Insurance is STONGLY recommended. We do not book airfare unless it states as such for a group tour. We do not book air through cruise lines, please see below. **We no longer assist with booking air through Viking River Cruises.
LEGAL ISSUES: Deb Roberts’ Tours (World of Quilts Travel) has no special unpublished (otherwise something NOT publicly unavailable to you) knowledge regarding the financial condition of any suppliers (airline, cruise ship, hotel/motel, coach company, tour company, ship line) or unsafe conditions, health hazards, weather hazards, or climate extremes at locations to which you may travel.
All travel is taken at the risk of the traveler, in other words, your are responsible to keep yourself informed of any unsafe conditions (including government travel warnings), health hazards, weather hazards or climate extremes to any place where you may visit with Deb Roberts’ Tours/World of Quilts Travel and act accordingly. Check with the https://travel.state.gov/ and the You are strongly encouraged to contact your health care provider with any concerns you may have.
Deposits and payments on land tours are not refundable. At times, depending on the dates of travel you may transfer your trip to someone else or we can help find someone to replace you, terms and conditions still apply. Cruise refunds are per the individual cruise policy on your booking agreement.
As you undertake any travel at your own risk. Please be aware of the following:
Concerned? For a worldwide terrorism alert, go to: https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/alertswarnings/worldwide-caution.html. For other information concerning possible dangers at destinations, Deb Roberts’ Tours recommends contacting the Travel Warnings Section of the U.S. State Department at (202) 647-5225 or go to www.travel.state.gov, and the https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel sites to check for any issues in your travel destination. This is your responsibility and Deb Roberts’ Tours accepts no responsibility or liability for your action or inaction to do so or for untoward event that might occur during travel.
For COVID 19 and medical information, we recommend contacting the Centers for Disease Control at (877) FYI-TRIP or www.cdc.gov/travel (enter your destination). When traveling with us, you assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying any and all health and safety issues, passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of your destination’s, and all conditions regarding health, disease outbreaks, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination’s. If requested, you must be ready to show proof of vaccine at any time or be denied services (or refund) from that point forward. You hereby release Deb Roberts’ Tours or any sponsor from all claims arising out of any problem covered in this paragraph. You agree that the courts in El Dorado County, CA will be the exclusive jurisdiction for all claims brought by you or Deb Roberts’ Tours and you hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of those courts.
When traveling abroad you are strongly encouraged to participate in your country’s Traveler Enrollment Program. For US citizens it can be found here https://step.state.gov/STEP/Pages/Common/Citizenship.aspx. If your citizenship is elsewhere, please check your country’s government pages for similar programs.
Travel arrangements involving airline and cruise components are subject to supplemental price increases that may be imposed by the supplier and/or government after you have completed your purchase. You hereby consent to any such price increases and will send a check or authorize your credit or debit card to be used for them. Suppliers have their own contracts covering cancellation penalties and other terms and conditions, and you may be bound by those contracts regardless of whether you receive notice of their terms. By accepting this itinerary or invoice, you hereby consent to these terms and conditions.
BALI and other international destinations – for those traveling internationally we strongly suggest you checking with the CDC for the current travel and immunization recommendations to your destination. A travel medicine clinic or your health care provider should be able to assist you with what you need. We do not know your health background thus we cannot make immunization recommendations.
MOBILITY ISSUES: We strongly encourage anyone with mobility issues to travel with a companion as we are unable to provide assistance of any kind. You are undertaking travel at your own risk. We do not assume any liability for illness, loss of life, injury or other untoward event associated with your trip. Insurance is strongly suggested.
SAFETY CONCERNS OR HEALTH RISKS: You are responsible to keep yourself updated regarding any warnings or risks associated with your travel, please see the appropriate Travel.State.Gov website by clicking here.
If you are not a citizen or resident of the USA, please see your country’s health and safety information regarding travel.
CORONAVIRUS-COVID-19: Please refer to the CDC website for the latest information on coronavirus https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/index.html and for Covid related travel information, https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices and https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/index.html
A reminder – you are undertaking travel at your own risk. Each traveler will be required to agree to a Covid-19 release prior to travel.
PRESCRIPTION & OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT: International travel destinations may have rules regarding medications and medical equipment. It is your responsibility to learn what may be allowed and about any pre-planning you should do to bring your medications into a foreign country. This is especially true in Asia and the Pacific. Simply do a search for, “bringing personal medications into…..the name of the country”. Or check with the US State Department.
ZIKA VIRUS NOTICE: Recent travel health notices have been issued by public health authorities for people traveling to areas where Zika virus is known to occur. Zika Virus is primarily transmitted by mosquitoes, although sexual transmission can also occur. Symptoms include fever, headache, red eyes, rash, and joint pains. The illness is usually mild, lasts between 2-7 days and affects only 1 in 5 people infected. Zika virus infection during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects and women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant should consult with their healthcare provider prior to booking travel to areas with active Zika
transmission. (http://www.cdc.gov/zika/pregnancy/questionanswers.html). As Zika continues to spread to many countries, we recommend you regularly review the CDC travelers health website for updated information, http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices, or for the specific area you are visiting. Guests are reminded to take enhanced precautions against biting insects by covering exposed skin, and using insect repellent. Comprehensive health information can be found at:
For the latest information travel and the ZIKA virus, health concern updates or other concerns, you are responsible to read information at the CDC website and act accordingly, please click here.
Travel is at you own risk, in other words, Deb Roberts’ Tours or its sponsors assume no responsibility for and shall not be liable for any refund, illness, personal injury, property damage, or other loss, accident, death, delay, inconvenience, or irregularity which may be caused by: (1) any reason, including defaults, pandemic/endemic, terrorism, wrongful or negligent acts, community violence, fear or omissions (2) any defect in or failure of any vehicle, craft, equipment, or instrumentality owned, operated, or otherwise used or provided by the Suppliers; (3) any wrongful or negligent acts or omissions on the part of any other party not under Deb Roberts’ Tours control; and (4) any Supplier price drop after your travel arrangements have been confirmed (5) any error or omission, catastrophic financial event including bank failure, war, terrorist, epidemic or criminal act. (6) any occurrence that causes illness, injury or death at any time during or after your trip. By registering for any cruise or tour, you hereby release Deb Roberts’ Tours and Deborah J Roberts LLC from all claims arising out of any problem covered in the above paragraphs.
*25 Guest Rule: We like to keep our LAND tour groups small and intimate and our aim is to take no more than 25 guests in each group unless otherwise stated. At times, when we have 24 signed up, additional guests will register together and we cannot find it in our hearts to turn one down so occassionally there may be a few more. This number does not include the driver, guide, or any assistants from our office.
BOOKING & REGISTRATION: Your registration is based on the manner in which it is received.
SPECIAL REQUESTS: Special requests will be noted and we will make every attempt to honor them, however, the placement in hotel rooms and often times cruise ships is out of our control. Therefore such requests cannot be guaranteed.
INVOICES: Invoices are sent by email only, it is imperative that you keep us updated should your email address change. Your invoice will be sent approximately 7 days, to the final payment deadline. The final payment deadline is on your registration form and will be on the invoice. We are not responsible for email addresses that are not correct. If you do not receive an invoice within 1 week of a deadline, please inquire. As many cruises and tours are initially priced over 18 months in advance, occasionally due to availability circumstances or other unavoidable event, such as currency rate swings (up or down greater than 1%), while we will do everything in our control to avoid it, under these circumstances, final pricing may change without notice prior to the final payment deadline.
THE TOTAL TOUR PRICE: Cruise and Tour prices, are based on airfare (if stated as included), cruise and land rates and rates of exchange in effect at the time of arrangements. Neither a tour/cruise provider or Deb Roberts’ Tours is responsible for typographical errors, misunderstandings or omissions. Due to situations which may be out of our control any itinerary is subject to change at any time without advance notice. A tour’s final price is subject to increase based on supplier demands until travel begins. By agreeing to our terms, you expressly acknowledge your acceptance of these conditions (i.e., price increases even after full payment will be your responsibility) applicable to your purchase.
Because of the volatility of airline surcharges and government fees, if airfare is included, additional charges such as surcharges, government fees, airline surcharges and taxes are NOT included in the published tour price but will be added onto the total price on the invoice; these will be reflected at the rate they are the day of invoicing (again, will be included as a separate item on the invoice). Should these government rates and fees go up more than 1% between invoicing and ticketing the passenger will be responsible for the difference. All rates are subject to change without prior notice.
At various times, cruise lines will offer a special rate which we are not able to pass along as we have a group block.
PAYMENTS: The final payment deadline is on your booking form. A final payment invoice will be sent to you by email or through wetravel.com. Cruise booking numbers are provided once the final payment has been received.
Payments for all cruises and tours must be made directly to Deb Roberts’ Tours or to wetravel.com. There are no exceptions. If payment is made through any other source than provided by this agency your cruise or tour will be immediately canceled without subsequent refund.
We ask for a deposit (the amount is specified for each trip) possibly a 2nd payment and a final payment only. Unless otherwise stipulated for a special retreat, we do not ask for monthly or incremental payments and prefer not to receive them as our accounting system does not work this way.
Acceptable payment methods may be changed or be altered at any time. Currently all bookings and payments are accepted through the wetravel.com booking system.
Wetravel.com is a reliable payment system that uses STRIPE and encrypted information. However, we cannot take responsibility for any payment issues made through weravel.com or their processor Stripe. Should you find payment errors please contact them directly.
We are not able to accept cruise line coupons, future cruise credits (unless applied when you book), gift cards, credits or vouchers to pay for any part of a cruise. Credits, refunds or other offers might be redeemable after the cruise sails; this would be between you and the cruise line.
Final Payment Invoices will be sent only by email. It is the responsibility of the traveler to provide an email address and notify if it changes either to our agency or to wetravel.com if you booked through them. There will be a late payment penalty of 5% assessed for payments received after the final payment deadline no matter the reason. Please note the payment deadlines associated with your cruise or tour. Final payments received after the indicated date must include the indicated late payment fee or they cannot be processed. (This does not apply for new reservations made after the deadline.) Reservations made after the final payment deadline must include full payment at time of registration.
There are no refunds any reason once the final payment deadline has been reached.
LATE FINAL PAYMENTS: Unless prior arrangements have been made (before any payment is due) final payments that are not received by the stated payment deadline may incur a 5% late payment penalty after 2 days grace (payment must be received within 2 days of the final payment deadline). Once the penalty is added to your invoice, it must be paid. After 3 days the booking will be canceled without the possibility of a refund.
ANY LATE PAYMENTS (not just the final payment) Payments not received within 3 days of the payment due date on the invoice or the final payment deadline will result in automatic cancellation of the trip, no refunds will be possible unless prior arrangements for a late payment have been made in advance of the deadline. Deadline examples: Final payment due on the 5th, 5% penalty will be added after 2 days which would be the 7th. Final payment due on the 5th, automatic cancellation occurs on the 8th. Please let me know in advance of the deadlines if you have any issues with your final payment. Once a trip is canceled it may be rebooked but not reinstated.
CRUISE SPECIALS: At times, certain cruise lines will offer a special price that we unable to match. We go by our group rates on all cruises and all bookings. When we have a category that is no longer available in our block, we are sometimes able to book outside of the group block but this cannot be guaranteed.
HOTELS: Our hotels are situated in the best possible areas for you to enjoy the community we are in. We endeavor to use 4 star or better hotels when possible, but this is not always the case in some countries we visit. Note*** in many areas, air-conditioning is not always available. This is true even in Europe and the UK. If it is unseasonably hot when we travel, most hotels will provide a fan for you upon request if one is not already in the room.
If the proximity is good, at times we use apartment hotels for your convenience of having a kitchenette in your room. Often, the housekeepers in apartment hotels do not come daily. If this is something you require you may take it up with the hotel on arrival.
AIR TRANSPORTATION: If Deb Roberts through any company, including IATA carriers, consolidators, or tour suppliers, is providing your reservations are being held on behalf of the group. Your e-ticket or booking PNR will contain names in addition to you name. If airfare is broken or extended for any reason, an additional fare will be applied. In other words, if you wish to change your travel dates a new charge will apply. Any deviations from the scheduled itinerary may incur additional fees and charges: Once your ticket is issued there is a mandatory $500 charge plus any airline deviation charge. Often, there are no group airfare refunds after the invoicing date, as deposits for airfare are not refundable. Additional non-recoverable airline penalties of up to any amount may be assessed for change requests received before 90 days of departure. Once the final payment deadline or invoicing date have passed, participation in a group air rate cannot be guaranteed, in this case it is the passenger’s responsibility to make their own air arrangements.
Due to fluctuations in energy costs, airline fees and taxes, airfares included as part of a tour package do not include these charges as these are subject to change until ticketing, without prior notice. By accepting the terms and conditions you agree to pay the addition of air transportation, security fees, fuel surcharges or any additional fees or taxes associated with your flight. You always have the option of electing to arrange your own airfare when registering, which comes in handy if you wish to use your miles or awards program.
Airfare is not included for travel from your home town to departure cities on group flights.
When your flights are included with your booking, we will ask that you verify that they have the correct spelling and name as on your passport before we purchase your ticket. If there is a time delay for your verification of information, we cannot guarantee travel with the group, same flights or same dates. It is your ultimate responsibility to make certain this is correct. We will not be responsible for notification made later than 10 days after it is requested.
MAKING INDEPENDENT AIR ARRANGEMENTS: We suggest that you do not make any air arrangements until your space on the tour is confirmed and the tour is confirmed as a ‘go’. This will be done by email. Once this is done and you are purchasing airfare for such a tour, it is important that you consider purchasing optional travel insurance to cover the airfare for your trip. Even though we announce a trip is a go, that only means we have sufficient travelers at that time. There may still be an event or unforeseen circumstance which could cause us to cancel a tour at any time after the “go” is announced, thus we want to be certain you are covered with travel protection for any and all situations. We are not responsible for independent air arrangements. Once a tour is announced as a ‘go’, please verify departure dates prior to booking, sometimes changes are made and we want you to have have the correct dates. Please see Viking Air for Viking cruises below.
AIR TRANSPORTATION FOR CRUISES: WE STRONGLY SUGGEST NOT ADDING CRUISE LINE AIRFARE TO YOUR BOOKING. THINGS GO WRONG and when you make this independent purchase. As we do not MAKE THIS PURCHASE on your behalf, we cannot be responsible for it even if it falls under your booking that was made by our agency. We are not responsible for anything you do independently. When making your own cruise flight arrangements, please be certain that your flight on embarkation day arrives no later than 12 noon. On disembarkation day, please be certain your flight does not leave before 12:00pm. Please be responsible and insure your airfare purchase in the event we need to reschedule or cancel a trip.
LAND ONLY ARRANGEMENTS: When selecting the option of a “land only” portion of a tour that includes airfare, airport transfers to or from the hotel are NOT included with your tour. These arrangements are to be made independently by the traveler. No assumptions should be made about the availability of early arrival or late departure hotel room accommodations. It is the responsibility of the traveler to ascertain and secure such reservations unless a general offer has been made for pre-tour room arrangements. When booking independent air, please be certain of the itinerary, departures and arrival of the group. Deb Roberts’ Tours will not be responsible for missed flights, transfers or activities when someone is traveling as a “land only” passenger.
FREE TO FLY PROGRAM – to assist clients in using reward program air miles, Deb offers the Free to Fly program which allows one to make their own air arrangements on specified tours where air is not included. Please be aware, that minimum enrollment requirements are mandatory on all tours and one should NOT book non-refundable air transportation on their own until there has been confirmation that the trip will be a definite go. Should one proceed to make air arrangements before a trip is announced as a go, Deb Roberts Tours cannot be responsible for any associated costs. It will be announced by the final payment deadline whether a trip is a go, on hold as a go, or will be canceled. All trips are subject to cancellation for any reason – again, it is advised that you hold off on booking non-refundable air until your tour has been confirmed as a “go”. ALSO, it is recommended that you purchase air insurance coverage at the time of your flight ticketing in the event that you or your roommate should have to cancel as air arrangements made individually are not covered under the group insurance plans.
Arrangements for flights should not be made until the final itinerary has been released. At times there are changes to the group flight itinerary that might affect your inward or outbound flight. Deb Roberts Travel does not assume risks or losses associated with changes made to flight arrangements made before the final itinerary has been released.
When purchasing air independently, it is suggested that you do not book independent air until the trip is confirmed as a definite ‘go’, otherwise, if you have a non-refundable ticket and the tour ends up as not a ‘go’, due to cancellations, supplier issues or other, we cannot be responsible for your decision or your airfare. Insurance coverage on your airfare is highly recommended at all times. Additionally, be certain to verify departure/return dates as we cannot be responsible for typographical errors.
HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: Deluxe 3*, 4* and 5* hotels are selected and the price is based on twin occupancy with private bath. A single room supplement will be charged where requested and if available. Every attempt is made to find suitable roommates when requested. If you do not have a roommate and Deb Roberts is unable to arrange one, you will have a choice to be billed for the single room supplement or cancel your tour with full refund. All singles are subject to availability. Any personally incurred hotel expenses, such as room service charges, mini bar service, etc. will be at the traveler’s sole expense and are not included in the tour cost.
Unless traveling with an arranged group airfare, when traveling overnight to your destination, please be aware that hotel check-in policies will not guarantee a room until 2pm in most cities. Most hotels will make every attempt to accommodate you as soon as possible if your room is not available on arrival, but this cannot be guaranteed. Most hotels will securely hold your luggage until your room is ready so that you can explore the area or grab a bite to eat. Deb Roberts Tours will not be responsible for any incurred charges while clients are waiting for hotel room availability.
ARRANGING ROOMMATES: Should you request help finding a roommate at booking, Deb will keep you updated as to possible roommate choices, although roommates cannot be guaranteed. When roommates are requested during your booking, we expect the courtesy of up to 30 days prior to departure to match you with a roommate. We cannot guarantee roommates so your choice will be if you have requested a roommate during booking and we do not offer you one we will give you a refund less your deposit or allow you to upgrade to a single. If you decline a roommate we have offered you, a refund will not be possible. Compatibility is something that cannot be assured thus it is important to understand once assignments have been made, roommate changes are not always possible. This must be understood when requesting unknown roommates, you will be with this person for the duration of the tour. On cruises, roommate matches come from requests for the same category of cabin only.
Once bookings have been made, should a roommate cancel prior to the trip, the roommate arrangement can no longer be honored. Once you have agreed to accept a roommate, regardless of when an arranged roommate cancels, to be fair to the other person, deposits cannot be refunded. The remaining roommate will be notified at the time of the other roommate cancellation and asked about their decision to continue on the tour or also cancel. Travel protection is strongly encouraged. Nevertheless, all penalties will apply with regard to the final payment deadline and invoice dates as indicated on these terms and conditions. Deborah Roberts or Deb Roberts’ Tours will not be responsible for any expenses incurred in roommate situations when either roommate cancels, including airfare to the destination. Find out the policy for your airline’s cancellation protection if a roommate cancels prior to purchasing tickets, Deb Roberts’ Tours is not responsible or liable for errors or omissions in coverage or for refunds should someone cancel with or without insurance protection. Purchasing insurance with your airfare is STRONGLY recommended. It is imperative that you have a working email address when prospective roommates to reach you, for this reason, please notify us immediately if you have an email address change.
ROOMMATE SITUATIONS: When you book with a friend or family member it is understood that you are agreeing to travel together. Under most circumstances, if there are issues between roommates during travel, we cannot guarantee additional accommodations. Should we be able to provide another room, full payment for that room for the remainder of the tour/cruise will be needed at that time.
***When you sign up with a roommate and that roommate cancels, you will need to make the choice at that time to continue on the tour. If you have a replacement roommate, great. If not, we may be able to assist you but we cannot guarantee one. In this case, you will need to upgrade to a private room or you will need to cancel. If you have made the final payment with knowledge that your roommate has or will cancel, this may be forfeited as we will be making payments on your behalf.
GUIDED TOURS: On land tours, escorted tours to private and public places are arranged for your enjoyment. Please regard our timetable as announced each day or at the drop-off point. It is important to take heed as to the location of the coach, and the time the group is told to return. Often, the coach moves and you need to be aware of where the new location is – you will be told. If one has not returned to the coach by the appointed time, it will be assumed that they have decided to deviate from the day’s activity and the coach will depart. If one should miss the coach, fees to return to the hotel, cruise or tour are their sole responsibility.
Deb Roberts’ Tours is not financially or otherwise responsible for anyone’s reunion with any tour should a scheduled coach or ship departure be missed.
MEALS on LAND TOURS: On European and Pacific/Asian tours, full American breakfast is provided daily. Tours within the United States will have breakfast if stipulated on the itinerary. Other provided meals are as per each itinerary, while on cruises all meals are provided while onboard ship. An extra charge will be made when beverages are not included in the menu of the day with meals. Please provide any dietary restrictions in writing on the registration form.
EXTENSIONS AND OPTIONS: Just as all tours, specified tour extensions that are offered as an option are subject to minimum registration numbers. If these numbers are not met, tour participants are expected to participate in the original portion of tour. Optional extension or tours are not included in the price of your cruise.
Quilt Cruises are not guided tours. However, each cruise is escorted by Deb Roberts or occasionally, a representative of our company. Cruises are planned using group space bookings with pre-arranged meeting times for scheduled classes of interest while onboard. At times, and according to the itinerary, there will be pre-planned group excursion options to be held in conjunction with the cruise, if so, this will ALWAYS be listed under the “inclusions” section of the cruise’s website from the onset or offered as an option meaning you may purchase the tour. Most cruise adventures are arranged so that group time is only during the stated (with inclusions) activities and never while in port. In most instances optional cruise shore tours are not planned in order to allow travelers the flexibility to see what they would like to see in each port. Should a group tour or side trip be planned, information will be supplied on the website or by special announcement before the trip commences. If there are quilter shore tours, they are an optional choice for you and not included in the price of your cruise. By traveling on a quilt cruise, it is important to realize that your port time will be independent and it will be your responsibility to ascertain and arrange your private shore tours including trips to quilt shops or museums, and for assistance as needed through the cruise line or an independent source.
Should you need anyone to assist you in any way on a cruise, please bring that person with you. Due to our insurance regulations, we are not able to provide physical assistance to you or for you for any reason.
Please check embarkation and disembarkation dates with the cruise line.
IMPORTANT!! Once you have paid for you cabin and receive your booking number we MUST be notified of anything that is added to your booking such as airfare, special programs, insurance, offers, etc. If we are not notified we may consider these additional items an error on Holland America’s behalf and cancel them. IF for some reason you add an item, it must be paid for when you add it. If it is not and we find it later, your cruise may be canceled without refund.
CRUISE BOOKING: Your booking will be made into the best cabin category available at the time of booking. If you wish to choose a certain cabin, we must be notified when you book or it is the best available. If no rooms are available in a category then you are booked as a GUARANTEE which means you will get the category you book or better. NOTE: Requesting a specific cabin may eliminate you from a complimentary upgrade from the cruise line.
CRUISE LINE SPECIAL OFFERS FOR PAST CRUISE LINE PASSENGERS: All of our guests pay the same amount, regardless of cruise line status of special sale offers. We go by our group contract rates. We will, when we are able offer our loyal guests special offers that are passed down to us. This is for past guests of World of Quilts Travel, not past guests of Holland America.
FUTURE CRUISE CREDITS: Future cruise credits MUST BE applied at the TIME OF BOOKING. The credit MUST BE COMMISSIONABLE. We cannot accept them or give credit for them if they are applied at any other time.
To participate in quilt classes and events, all cruises must be booked through our agency, unfortunately, there are no exceptions.
CRUISE BOOKINGS: Booking with a friend or friends? Bookings cannot be guaranteed until they are booked through the cruise line. All parties in a cabin must be registered before the booking can be completed. Avoid delays to avoid disappointment.
CRUISE BOOKING NUMBERS & INFORMATION: Cruise booking numbers will be provided when your cruise cabin has been paid in full. Transfers from other cruises or cabins are handled in the same manner. If you pay your full balance due BEFORE the final payment deadline, as wetravel.com is not our website, our office is not informed of this being your final payment. Please notify us by emailing worldofquiltstravel@gmail.com. Do not use the form on wetravel.com.
Guests who transfer from another cruise or tour without balances due as final payment will receive their booking numbers about 6 months prior to departure. Additional cruise information will also start being sent around the same time. If you have questions in the meantime or at anytime, please let me know. Otherwise, you will not hear from me until these updates are sent.
SHORE TOURS may usually be booked on the cruise line website one you have your booking number which you get once you’ve paid your balance due in full. The booking of any shore tour is a private purchase between the buyer and the seller. Deb Roberts’ Tours/World of Quilts Travel is not responsible for any transaction and does not guarantee any tour or company performance.
Gratuities are not included in the price of any cruise.
Note: Cruise bookings with wetravel.com are not guaranteed until a confirmation is received from the cruise line.
Special offers for cruises, such as onboard credit, gifts, etc., that come from the cruise line are per cabin or for the 1st two people in a cabin unless otherwise noted. Many promotions are run by the throughout the course of a group booking period without our prior knowledge. Some of our guests booked during these times will receive gifts or onboard credit from the cruise line and those booked at other times will not. We have no control over this, and cannot match or accept responsibility for what one guest may receive from the cruise line and another does not. Amenities from special promotions offered by the cruise line are applicable to the first 2 in a cabin only.
Cruise past-guest programs: While we can apply your past guest numbers to your booked cruise (if you provide them) group bookings are unable to honor any offers made between cruise line past guests and the cruise line member programs, such as Mariners for Holland America. For such offers please contact the cruise line directly with your booking number.
We are only able to accept cruise line vouchers or future cruise credits for cruises we originally booked. Otherwise, only COMMISSIONABLE vouchers will be accepted. For the use of any voucher such use must be requested by email at the time of booking (no exception).
ANY alteration, addition, purchase or change to a booking after the booking number has been received is between the cruise line and the guest only. We will not be responsible for additional expenses, credits due to vouchers, special offers, purchases, receipts or changes to your booking that are made between the guest and the cruise line. Should such changes be made resulting in a balance due, this must be paid at the time they are made by the guest to the cruise line directly. If we find a remaining balance due from alterations, options, changes that you the guest have made at anytime we reserve the right to cancel your cruise.
ANY alteration to your cruise that needs to be made after your original booking may result in a $50 fee per person.
Should you want to transfer your booking you would have to cancel your current booking (any penalties apply) and book the desired tour or cruise.
ITINERARY CHANGES: As with any tour, changes to cruise itineraries may be made due to circumstances out of our control. Your booking indicates agreement to any unforeseen itinerary change no matter the circumstance as again, it is out of our control. World of Quilts Travel, Deb Roberts Tours is NOT RESPONSIBLE for changes made by a cruise line that might affect the itinerary. Changes do not negate your responsibility once you have booked. Please verify cruise embarkation dates and disembarkation dates with the cruise line.
CLASSES & WORKSHOPS: Teachers select their workshops for each cruise, we are not responsible for the workshop selection. Duplicate project issues will need to be handled with the teacher. Holland America Cruises: Classes and workshops will be announced in advance of the cruise. Due to unforeseen circumstances, there may be changes to the class schedule or teachers without notice. Classes with insufficient enrollment may be canceled at our discretion. To be as fair to everyone as possible, there are no guarantees on classes prior to enrollment in them. Classes are assigned on a first come basis with registration sent out to all participants at the same time. Workshops are planned to be 6 hours long, either 6 hours in one day or two days of 3 hours each, depending on the itinerary.
Unless indicated at sign up, registration for classes will always be sent out to EVERYONE booked on the cruise by a certain date at the same time, so all will have the same advantage. Classes are awarded in the order the forms are received back by email. If you will not be happy unless you get a certain teacher or open sewing space, please reconsider booking the cruise as we cannot make guarantees. We cannot be responsible for issues with your email or form (as in unreadable or if it is sent blank) In this case we will send it back and ask it to be returned. We do write as soon as possible upon receipt to let you know we have received it. If you do not hear from us in a timely manner after you have returned your form, please check with us to be certain we have it.
Note: We are not responsible for a teacher who would cancel at the last minute or fail to make it to a cruise ship before departure, even with the best made plans things can happen. If this is the case, there is no compensation. Your booking of any cruise or tour indicates your understanding that there will be no refund in this situation.
Should you cancel participation in a cruise for any reason, workshop fees are not refundable, even if the cruise happens to be refundable.
VIKING CRUISES do not have formal workshops, they are very casual with a come and go atmosphere.
Viking cruises with Sue Spargo: Sue’s projects are centered around hand stitching. It’s understood that there is not a classroom on Viking Longships, no formal class and workshops are very informal. Sue is the facilitator and there to assist you. Classes are organized around the available time for lounge use, there is no set time or schedule. Workshop time could be limited. There are no specific rules or instructions/directions for the project but students are encouraged to be creative with Sue’s example, scenes from or journey and her guidance during instructional times. There are no printed directions as each project is an individual work.
Once Sue delivers your kit to you there are no refunds for her workshop fees for any reason, even cancellation.
Bookings on Viking cruises: Viking has a mandatory cancellation fee, no matter the reason. Therefore we reserve the right to hold bookings until we know we have met our minimum for a cruise.
Photography/videography during workshop/class time is strictly prohibited.
Workshop Questions? Please ask prior to booking.
SEWING MACHINES and USE OF: We provide machines when a teacher needs to use them to teach their project. Due to customs rules, we are not able to provide sewing machines on cruises which do not originate and end in the United States. However, projects selected will be such that you may later apply the techniques or patterns to both hand and machine quilting and may include stitching, fussy cutting, painting, dyeing, embellishment, or working with different fabrics, new medium, etc.
We provide teachers on our cruises to teach sewing and quilting related classes, they do not always need to use machines.
Please note, when we have sewing machines, our cruises are set up for workshops and scheduled free sewing only during the daytime. For those wishing independent sewing, each at sea evening machines will be available for independent use on any typical cotton/fabric sewing project. Unless scheduled, under no circumstances is independent sewing allowed during class time, this would be disruptive to the students and the teacher. If you want to do independent sewing at anytime, with approval from Holland America you may bring your own sewing machine and set it up in your cabin. Obtaining permission from Holland America is your responsibility.
WORKSHOPS & SCHEDULED OPEN SEWING: Open sewing is during scheduled times. It is NOT free use of a machine anytime you wish during the cruise.
Open sewing or free sewing during workshop hours is considered as workshop time and is limited to the same hours as workshops, usually 9am – 4pm.
Evening open sewing is determined per the cruise line and the machine technical person. For safety reasons, unfortunately we are not allowed to leave the machine rooms open for use at anytime when our machine tech is not available. As you cruise with us, please remember that the machine tech needs a break too.
We are limited to 50 machines per cruise, some will be used for open sewing and some for the workshops. We book teachers with no more than 25 per workshop depending on their preference and classroom space, the number of requests vs. how many machines we have. There is no pre-set number.
Machine utilization is based upon the number of requests and in the order the request is received. We have had cruises where machines scheduled for someone doing open sewing who doesn’t show up, the machines sit idle and no one uses them, we now have this policy to best use the machines. Please sign up for workshop time ASAP when the forms are available to insure your top choices. Selecting only one thing per workshop day does not guarantee you that choice, please make more than one selection/day. Your booking of this cruise indicates your understanding of the above open sewing policies.
At times, things happen outside of our control No promise or guarantee is made for the use of sewing machines or other equipment brought onboard by our machine provider or Deb Roberts’ Tours. Your booking of any cruise expecting sewing machines indicates your understanding of this policy
Important: We cannot be responsible for the independent provider of sewing machines. Your use of their machine means that you accept any liability issues. This said, we are also not responsible in the unfortunate event a sewing machine provider for one reason or another fails to deliver machines to a cruise prior to departure. In this case there is no recourse for us and no refund for you as we pay fees well in advance. My apologies but it is really out of my hands. Your booking of any cruise expecting sewing machines indicates your understanding of this policy and there will be no refunds should sewing machines not make the ship.
PLANNINGN YOUR ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE from your cruise: Cruise lines suggest arrival by NOON on the day of embarkation and not to plan departure before 12 noon on the day of disembarkation. Of course, there can always be delays so this is not a hard and fast rule. You undertake when to arrive and depart at your own risk, we cannot be responsible or late flights or late cruise ships.
CRUISE CLASS KITS: We strongly suggest that you do not order class kits until the cruise is confirmed as a ‘go’. Often kits are custom for our groups and cannot be used with any other class that the teacher has. As such, as a courtesy to our teachers, once delivered, kits are not returnable or refundable no matter the reason. Duplicated projects (when a teacher teaches the same thing twice) will need to be handled between the student and the teacher.
ADDITIONAL CRUISE INFORMATION: Cruises with us are specialty group bookings and subject to the quoted group rate by the cruise line often up to 24 months in advance of the cruise, thus, our published rate is based on the group rates provided by the cruise line with the addition of funds needed to run the quilting portion of the cruise. Rates cannot be changed or altered once booked. Upgrades may or may not be possible, a free upgrade from the cruise line imposes no fee. While we attempt to honor location requests on cruises it is not always possible due to the categories we have in our group block. If you wish to have a specific location, please inquire before booking to avoid disappointment. For example, if we have the category, “BALCONY” that is a balcony cabin in our block, and not necessarily any balcony cabin of your choice on the cruise.
Single bookings: Please be aware that cabin pricing for singles is at times, twice that of double per person pricing. Cabins are sold as a unit, cruise lines see the price for one as the same as the price for two because the same amount of space is taken.
With any cruise line, in the event of tax, fuel supplements, port charges, or government fee increases prior to the sailing date of a cruise, we are required to collect these additional fees from each guest prior to sailing. Currently, fuel supplements are on hold by all cruise lines, but each, reserves the right to reinstate a fuel supplement if fuel prices increase before the sailing date of any cruise. This may occur at any time, even after the final payment has been made.
It is important to be aware of port departure times each port day on all cruises. If a cruise participant is late for any reason and the ship sails without them, Deb Roberts’ Tours is not financially or otherwise responsible for their reunion with the ship or return to their home. Please be sure you plan to arrive in the departure city before 12 NOON on the day of embarkation (departure).
When you book, you are agreeing to our published fares which will include the cost of the cabin (per person) the price of any extras such as teacher and staff expenses, event costs, etc. Our prices may differ from what you may find the cruise line charging and/or what we will actually pay on your behalf additionally as we may receive discounts from your booking during the booking process that we do not pass along to our travelers. To clarify, these discounts and additional sums are applied to bringing a teacher(s) on the cruise, company staff, travel expenses, etc. The published prices are our rates. By booking a cruise you understand this policy and to the published fares you will find on our website and/or wetravel.com. There are no exceptions.
CRUISE CABINS: Cruise cabins are assigned on a first available basis, many cruise ships have adjoining cabins and these can be assigned at anytime, not necessarily to anyone wishing an adjoining cabins (they will remain closed and secure if this is not the case). IF YOU DO NOT WISH a cabin with an adjoining cabin, please indicate this with your booking in the NOTES section. If you wish a particular cabin or deck, please indicate this in the NOTES section of your booking.
CRUISE CABINS – 3 or more per cabin: Please note, cabins requests for more than 2 per cabin are not possible on Viking Cruises. On Holland America cruises they are only available on request and then, only once confirmed with Holland America. Cabins for more than 2 are not available for the inside category due to space issues. NO CABIN has more than 2 beds, a 3rd of 4th person will need to sleep on a sofa bed, possibly with 2 sharing the sofa bed if you want 4 per cabin. At times, some cabins have bunk beds where 4 may each have their own bed.
CRUISE DINING: For Holland America cruises we arrange OPEN TIME dining on all of our cruises, which means you may go when you wish. Occasionally, depending upon our sponsor, we may have assigned dining time with round-robin seating (sit where you wish). If you wish a specified dining time, please request this with your registration. Dining requests cannot be guaranteed.
ONBOARD CREDITS: We do not offer onboard credits as part of a cruise package. However, special offers and onboard credits may be made available by a cruise line at certain times during a booking process. These are issued to the first 2 people in each cabin only. When there are more than 2 in a cabin, there are no additional credits or amenities for additional people in the cabin. They are not added or included by Deb Roberts Tours but may, upon occasion be part of a promotion offered by the cruise line when a cabin is booked. It will not be made available to anyone unless under these circumstances and is an amenity gift from the cruise line based on the time of the booking, not our agency.
CRUISE LINE DISCLAIMER: Be aware, while it is extremely rare, all cruise lines include in their passage contract, “In the event of strikes, lockouts, stoppages of labor, riots, weather conditions, mechanical difficulties or any other reason whatsoever (ANY CRUISE LINE) has the right to cancel, advance, postpone or substitute any scheduled sailing or itinerary without prior notice.”
By booking any cruise with us, you are agreeing to that cruise line’s full contract, terms and conditions.
CRUISE MEALS: Meals in the regular dining room, buffet and complimentary room service items are included with your cruise. Any specialty restaurant charges or room service food ordered that is not complimentary from the cruise line is not included on your cruise and will be added to your onboard statement.
COMPLIMENTARY ROOM SERVICE: On cruises, is for what the cruise line offers as their regular included services, does not include meals or food that have supplements charged or room service gratuities.
CRUISE AIRPORT TRANSFERS: Cruise transfers and transfers for cruise pre and post cruise tours are optional and not included with your cruise price and are only available by request. They are only offered on the day of embarkation and disembarkation between the airport and the ship only or on the first or last day of a pre/post cruise tour. If you are traveling on a pre or post-cruise tour arranged by anyone other than the cruise line, transfers are not included even if you purchased air as part of your cruise package. Please be certain airline arrangements align with departure dates.
VOUCHERS: Should you be offered a voucher by a cruise line because it cancels a cruise the voucher only covers what the costs of your cruise and what was spent on your behalf with that cruise line. It does not cover our added costs or service charges, any charges from wetravel.com. Vouchers or the credits from a voucher are not refundable at any time once applied. The use of a voucher must be requested when the booking is made (by email) or there is a $100 fee per person when a voucher is added later, either by our office or the cruise line.
Trip credits or vouchers offered to you from us because of a postponed trip are not refundable or transferrable.
USE OF CRUISE VOUCHERS: SHORE TRIPS: At times, if our cruise line cannot offer custom tours to our group so that we can visit quilt shops as well as sight-see, an independent company may offer to do the shore trips for us. Independent of who offers them, shore tours are always optional excursions for you and do have an added cost (unless a Viking River Cruise). If an independent shore tour provider is providing optional excursions for a group you are in and you sign up for these excursions, please be advised, we are not affiliated with that company in any way. As such, we are not privy to their information and cannot answer questions regarding your tickets, the tours, timing, walking, meal times, or any other issue that might arise. MOST information is provided on each tour website, if you take the time to read these pages carefully, you will find most answers there. If you still have a question, please contact the tour provider. These tour options are provided as a courtesy for your benefit, we are not responsible for the tour or any information provided by the outside tour company regarding the tour. Please read all of the information they provide carefully before purchasing your tour.
Vouchers presented as payment for a cruise must have had the original cruise booking issued through our agency. When the booking was made through another travel agency, will accept cruise commissionable vouchers only as full or partial payment for any cruise line. HOWEVER, if a voucher request is not received by email when you book (no matter the type) there is a $100 administration fee per person per booking when you request this later or it is added by a line representative.
VIKING RIVER CRUISES: Viking Cruise Lines included all taxes and port fees in their pricing. The price also includes limited shore excursions, they also provide optional shore excursions for a fee, thus, not all shore excursions are included.
Effective 10/19/2019 we prefer not to book air through any cruise line. However, we will book your air with Viking on request if made PRIOR to the final payment deadline. After the initial booking of a Viking Cruise there will be a $50 service fee to add air to your booking later (this is in addition to the cost of the airfare, air plus or air choice). Should you book air independently with VIKING and wish any date deviations or special requests it is your responsibility to let Viking know of these, including deviation dates, special meal requests, etc. Please note any addition to your booking made by you directly with VIKING needs to have these additions paid in full (to Viking) by the final payment deadline or your booking will be canceled without refund. There are no exceptions. We cannot be responsible for bookings we do not make. Viking Air requests are only good for the US and Canada.
Additionally, all Viking bookings made through us must have all payments made to us. DO NOT MAKE ANY ADDITIONS TO YOUR CRUISE WITH VIKING unless you notify us at the time. IF YOU MAKE ANY INDEPENDENT BOOKING WITH VIKING for an option, air, pre/post tour, you must make payment made directly to Viking at that time (of booking). ANY additions made without our knowledge that are not paid in full may automatically cancel your booking. This will not include air or other add-ons that you book and pay for directly with Viking, or what we book on your behalf, only what you book on your own with Viking and do not pay for when you book them. We pay your balance in full. Any outstanding balance occurring after this date, after you have added something to your booking through Viking and not our agency is YOUR RESPONSIBLITY. Please do not chance having your booking canceled because you do not pay your balance due.
OTHER AIR PURCHASES: We do not assist with air purchases for any other cruise line. We request that you do not book through a cruise line and then not notify us at the time you book. If you wish any deviations to your air once you book it, you must make that request with the cruise line, including cities and dates. Any air or other additions made without our knowledge that are NOT paid for at the time you book them may automatically cancel your booking.
Viking Cancellations? For ALL VIKING RIVER CRUISES – no matter the reason for your cancellation, Viking does not give any full deposit refunds. To receive a portion of your deposit refund, any pre-final payment cancellation requests must be received before the date stated on your booking contract and will incur a $300 administration fee per person. There are no refunds after this date or once the final payment has been made. Vouchers are not refundable once they are applied.
Viking does not return voucher credit once it is applied to a booking.
REQUESTING USE OF VOUCHERS: Please plan accordingly. Vouchers may not be transferrable. We are not responsible at anytime to inform anyone when Viking makes changes to their voucher program, when it ends, begins or when dates change. If you have questions about a voucher program or the deadlines for canceling, please ask these before you book. Unless your cruise booking is under a NO RISK GUARANTEE, once it is applied you will not get your voucher back.
If you are allowed to cancel for a replacement voucher, your voucher will be for what was actually paid for your cruise or trip, it will not cover what was paid to our agency over the actual cruise cost. Depending upon the circumstance, you may be refunded for these overcharges if you cancel before the final payment deadline. After the final payment deadline these additional to the cruise/trip cost payments are not refundable no matter the circumstance.
USE OF CRUISE VOUCHERS: We accept all cruise vouchers that are from applicable cruise lines when the booking that gave you the voucher originated through our agency. We cannot accept others, I’m sorry. All vouchers applied must be COMMISSIONABLE vouchers.
For those receiving vouchers from VIKING AND booked their original cruise through our agency, any voucher is for the cruise cost only and will not include fees we have included for our services, any workshop fees, optional tour fees for tours we have arranged, etc. Once again, any voucher is a reflection of what was paid to Viking on your behalf, NOT what you paid to our agency. The voucher must be a refundable one to get any credit toward another cruise. The use of a voucher must be requested at the time of your booking. There is a $100 fee per person when a voucher is applied after the booking has been made.
Considering Viking Air? Bookings made with a request for Viking Air, the final payment will be due within 30 days of your original booking.
TRAVEL PROTECTION: The purchase of travel protection is an OPTION. You are not under any obligation to purchase travel protection unless required by the tour supplier. You do not need to get travel protection from the company we recommend, you may purchase travel protection from any travel insurance provider. If you live in NY where we cannot provide a link, like everyone else. Once again, you may choose travel protection from any travel insurance provider, the choice is yours. Please check the cancellation/refund policy of your insurance provider prior to making your purchase as we are not responsible for your choice or their refund policy.
The cost of travel protection is NOT included in the amount of your tour/cruise package, this is an option for you. Should you decide to purchase travel protection from our recommended provider you have 14 days from your initial plan payment to review the plan coverage to be certain you wish to have coverage as it is outlined. For most insurance companies, you may cancel within 14 days of purchase to get a refund, please check the policy of the company you decide upon. ONCE IT HAS BEEN PURCHASED FROM OUR SUGGESTED INSURER THERE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR TRAVEL PROTECTION, NO MATTER THE REASON.
Should you cancel your trip and we provide a letter of proof of cancelation/refund status to the insurance company, there can be no changes, there will be no refunds once we have made this statement to your insurance company claim representative.
CANCEL FOR ANY REASON travel protection generally has to be purchased within 14 days of your initial TRIP DEPOSIT.
Purchasing of travel protection is an independent purchase that you make and the transaction is between you and the provider of the policy. You do not have to purchase travel protection unless it is required by the supplier. If you choose to purchase it, you may purchase it from any reputable travel protection provider, such as travelinsured.com, allianz.com or travelguard.com The option that is suggested by Deb Roberts’ Tours is a travel plan which provides protection coverage of the trip you purchase from us plus any options you may purchase individually, such as airfare (however, you must add any additional option costs into your policy coverage or your claim may be denied). If you do not cover it on a policy from our provider, it is strongly suggested that you buy coverage from an air carrier or any other source when you purchase your tickets. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverage. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home, and automobile insurance policies. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer or insurance agent or broker. Once again, you are not bound to our referral you may choose to purchase travel protection from any reputable carrier. In the event your tour has been called as a GO tour, please be certain your coverage covers your airfare and cancellation as anything can happen at anytime.
**The purchase of travel protection (insurance) is an independent purchase and is made available as a courtesy. Any requests for a refund is subject to the travel protection provider’s policy and separate from that of Deb Roberts’ Tours. Independently purchased travel protection from our link is a private purchase between you and the plan provider. Questions, concerns, refund requests must be made directly to them. When insurance is required by the supplier, it is part of your commitment to the tour and we cannot be responsible for the policy you choose should you need to file a claim. Please be certain your policy covers every situation. If you are unsure, ask the provider.
Travel protection is never included in the price of your cruise or tour. We will offer you a link to a policy through Travel Insured when you book and you will need to decide on whether it meets your coverage needs and purchase it separately by going to the provided link or to any other provider as you wish. If you are unable to find the link we have provided, please email to request it. If you are having trouble with this link, please let us know. You may purchase travel protection from any company you wish, just be certain their policy covers your needs. We are not responsible should you be denied a claim no matter the reason, your choice of travel insurance providers is up to you. The link we provide is only a courtesy.
If you wish travel protection, it is incumbent for you to make this purchase separately from your trip booking. PLEASE REVIEW the plan you purchase carefully to be certain it meets your needs. We are not responsible for the plan you purchase. Should your plans change and you change travel plans incurring additional charges, such as an upgrade, change trips or dates, it is incumbent upon you to notify the insurance provider to update your plan appropriately (new dates, cost, etc.)
It is important to realize that if a tour or cruise has to cancel and you have purchased travel protection from a cruise line or airline on your behalf independently from the cruise line or airline, the cost of that portion of your trip that covers the quilting portion, teacher/workshop fees or other added inclusions of your trip may not be covered. In other words, the price of your actual trip with us will often be more than the cruise line or airline insurance covers as we have added on fees to cover the cost of teachers, events, etc., please be aware of this as we are not responsible for any refunds to you outside of what you are covered for under any travel protection policy as we are not responsible for differences in coverage and the amount of your trip when travel protection is purchased through cruise lines or other vendors. To be certain you will get full cancellation benefits, we suggest you verify that the amount of your coverage is equal to the amount of your trip cost prior to purchasing any plan from an outside source.
Deb Roberts’ Tours is not responsible for the decision of the insurance claim administrator or liable for any difference in claim vs refund. The decision rests with the claim adjuster on whether any portion of your trip will be refundable. Be certain the policy you will purchase covers any reason that might arise.
Please be advised:
1.Unless requested from a tour supplier, purchasing travel insurance is not required in order to purchase any other producer or services offered by the travel retailer
2. If not individually licensed, that the Retailer’s employee is not qualified or authorized to:
a)Answer technical questions about the benefits, exclusions or conditions of any of the insurance offered by the travel retailer
b)Evaluate the adequacy of the prospective insured’s existing insurance coverage
* These disclosures can be provided in one of three ways:
a) Provided in writing to the purchaser; or
b) Displayed by clear and conspicuous signs that are posted at every location where contracts are executed, included but limited to the counter where the purchaser signs the agreement; or
c) Acknowledged in writing by the purchaser. As our registration paperwork indicates that one has understood, read and comprehend the terms and conditions, it is thus acknowledged.
As travel protection may be purchased from any carrier please be certain of your coverage. Especially if purchased from a cruise line, your coverage reimbursement amount may not include the full amount of your quilt cruise purchase from Deb Roberts’ Tours. If you choose to be covered by a cruise line, you are accepting responsibility for the differences in coverage/cancellation loss return amounts and the cost of your quilt cruise (should they exist). The cost of a cruise alone will be different from the cost of a quilting cruise because of the other costs involved. Coverage from a cruise line will not cover the additional quilt class related fees.
If you have a pre-existing condition, please ask for a copy and review the policy for pre-existing conditions; pre-existing condition coverage is not guaranteed. Please see the individual plan certificate of coverage, available with your purchase or, you may request a copy at anytime.
Generally, while travel protection costs around 5% – 7%of your trip cost, it may vary by age.
All claims are the responsibility of the traveler and between the traveler and the travel protection provider. Deb Roberts’ Tours/World of Quilts Travel does NOT FILE YOUR CLAIM for you and is only able to confirm dates and payments. Claim decisions of the provider are final, Deb Roberts’ Tours shall not be liable for any claim or amounts the claim adjuster deems inappropriate to the policy terms and conditions. Verify your policy will cover any circumstance that might arise before you purchase it. After you purchase you will have 14 days to review any insurance policy for coverage and receive a refund if requested by the 14th day. Please choose carefully. Information is confidential and is only provided to the claims adjuster when requested by them. It will not be provided to a third party.
TO FILE YOUR CLAIM: Our office can only act as an intermediary between you and the insurer. Therefore, our office does not file claims or assist with filing claims. The filing of an insurance claim is the responsibility of the person who purchased the policy. When information is needed from us, the insurer will make the request. We will assist you as we are able with information but you should have almost everything needed at your disposal to file your insurance claim except for specific letters on our letterhead regarding your cancellation date and refund status. Generally the insurer may ask you for some or all of the following:
- Final Travel Invoice: A copy of the final invoice showing the cancel date and penalties incurred. The invoice provided by wetravel.com does not include your cancel date or penalties. These can be found on your booking agreement, received by email at the time of booking. You will have received this from wetravel.com as an email when you make your booking. This email may be forwarded to the insurer with your claim number or if allowed, you may make a copy of it to send to them.
- Terms and Conditions: Copy of cancellation penalties of the Tour Company, Travel Supplier, Cruise and/or Airline. These are available on our website at https://worldofquiltstravel.com/terms-and-conditions/ You may forward or send a copy of this URL to your insurer. ALSO, you have a booking agreement that you acknowledged when you booked. A copy of this is in your confirmation email (received immediately after booking). This booking agreement provides the cancellation dates and penalties. You may copy and paste it into a .doc or .pdf.
- Dates and Payment Amounts: A list of the payment dates and amounts. These are available in your wetravel.com account.
- Agent Cancellation Statement: A letter or statement confirming the date you contacted me requesting to cancel this trip. (see below)
- Refunds: Copies of refund checks or credits received from all travel suppliers. If no refunds have been received, please have your agent state this in writing. WHEN OUR OFFICE RECEIVES A REQUEST from the insurance company, I will respond to this request TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY ONLY, providing a letter confirming the above information, date of cancellation request, and information about any refund.
- Original Cruise Invoice: A copy of the original invoice confirming the total cruise cost. This is a part of the original confirmation email you received from wetravel.com sent immediately after you booked your trip. You may forward that email to the insurer with your claim number. Our office does not maintain copies of invoices sent by wetravel.com. Should you need a copy please request it from wetravel.com.
- Airline, Train or Entry Tickets not purchased as part of a tour or cruise package: Copies of tickets or e-ticket receipts showing the ticket numbers, dates of travel, and cost. You would get this from wherever you booked your tickets.
- Airline or Train Invoices: A copy of the invoice or e-ticket receipt showing the cost of the ticket. Same as above.
- Trip Payments: Copies of the cancelled checks, cash receipts, bank statements, and/or credit card statements showing the payments made for all travel arrangements. These would be something that only you would have copies of to provide, no one else would have copies of cancelled checks, bank statements or credit card statements.
For those living outside of the US or in NY, we are not allowed to offer you coverage. We apologize for this inconvenience. Should you wish travel protection, please go to any travel insurance broker and book your insurance as an individual. On request, we will send you the full amount of your tour cost so you can shop for the best plan to fit your needs.
The request for travel protection is a binding one and cannot be undone. In other words, you cannot request this service then decide you do not want it closer to the trip. Please choose carefully.
An explanation of travel protection coverage information will be provided upon request from the insurer as they may differ depending on what policy and company you choose. As a traveler, you should will receive full coverage documentation from the insurer at purchase, it should include a “REVIEW” period at the end of which you may cancel if it does not meet your needs.
We are not responsible for the purchase travel protection at anytime, or for any reason. In general, an insurance provider will offer you a refund if you decide within 14 days the policy will not work for you. However, after that it is a binding purchase and there are no refunds.
BOOKING YOUR AIR TO OUR DEPARTURE AIRPORT: Please allow 4 hours minimum between landing and our departure time when you book your airfare. Things happen – cancelations, delays, etc. As such we strongly suggest allowing at least one flight after your flight in case this happens to you. It has happened before and guests missed their entire trip to Bali.
Our Bali tour is NOT A SHOPPING TOUR. We do provide time to shop but if this is your primary goal you will need to arrange your own transportation to shopping areas we do not include.
All Bali guests are strongly encouraged to see their healthcare provider or a travel medicine clinic to ascertain the need for immunizations based on your health history.
Travel or medical travel insurance is strongly encouraged for travel to Bali.
VISAS for Bali are done on arrival, there is no need for you to do this in advance. We will notify you if this changes. Bali will charge VISA fees, please have $50 cash on hand for arrival in USD or a credit card handy. At times, they will not charge you for a VISA on arrival.
These things are the traveler’s responsibility, there may be no reminders.
Bali is densely populated and they have poor infrastructure, it should be noted that travel times between short distances are oftentimes lengthy. There are often unexpected religious observances that stop traffic completely. This is not a trip for one who is impatient or not flexible.
The Hoffman Factory visit is just that, a factory visit. We are the only ones allowed to bring a group to the factory, period. They are not set up to sell, nor do they have a factory shop. You will find Hoffman and other Batiks downtown on our shopping day.
LUGGAGE: Unless otherwise indicated, on all land tours, coaching requirements allow 1 (one) suitcase and 1 (one) personal size carry on bag (handbag or small backpack) per person. (This means that you may have 1 (ONE) bag with wheels and this is considered your one suitcase.) No exceptions. This is not my rule but the rule of the multiple coaching associations throughout the world. Additional luggage may incur an additional fee by the carrier at your expense – and your luggage may travel separately from you to the final destination by way of another carrier.
LUGGAGE for BALI (only) the airline to Bali baggage allowance is 2 (two) suitcases up to 50# each and 1 (one) personal size carry on bag (tote bag or small backpack). Your luggage will travel in a separate luggage truck between the airport and hotels. Your airline used to travel to our departure airport may have different rules and you may need to pay additional baggage fees, we are not responsible for additional luggage fees.
Cruise only? luggage is not restricted except for what might be restricted by your air carrier or the coaching company hired to transport the group.
SURCHARGES, TIPS AND TAXES: When dining with or staying in a group hotel, tips and taxes normally appearing on hotel and restaurant bills as “service” are included, as are all government and local taxes. Tips to housekeeping and service restaurant staff are not included. Tips to guides on land tours are not included unless otherwise stated. Cruise tips are not included and are at each individual passenger’s discretion, please check the cruise line policy for the cruise you are on.
Unless stated, government fees and fuel taxes are not included, and government taxes/port fees on cruises are not included; these will be added onto the final invoicing as well as any surcharges that we may incur.
ROOMMATES: When someone does not have a roommate and would like one, I will make suggestions and provide contact information based upon others in the group with the same need. It is up to the prospective roommates to make contact with each other to determine compatibility. Once roommates have been assigned it will not be possible to make changes. Please be certain you are happy with your selection. The availability of a roommate cannot be guaranteed. *Prospective roommates who ask for help in finding a roommate match give consent for their contact information to be shared to others looking for a roommate match. Roommates will no longer be able to be matched once the final payment has been made. To be fair, we are unable to give refunds to a matched roommate should they decide to cancel after a roommate match has been made. If we have offered a roommate match and it is not acceptable, our obligation to find a roommate ceases if there is no other alternative and deposit refunds are no longer possible.
Terms and Conditions apply once registration is received. Should any part of the terms and conditions not be adhered to or if any part of contractual agreements are broken by a client, Deb Roberts or any travel supplier retain the right to refuse further services; any payments and deposits are at risk of being retained for “cost of services to date”.
Due to invoicing program space requirements, invoices may be deleted from the program after the cruise or tour has been completed. Please keep a copy for your records.
We are not responsible for typographical errors or omissions for any item on any website, invoice or other means of communication.
Please pay particularly close attention to the cancellation deadlines as stated on your booking agreement which take precedence over any other date.
Please email us your intent to cancel with a signed note (a photo from your phone attached to an email) as soon as you know this is what you wish to do. We will NOT question your request and consider it your final choice. We will not cancel you until you send a signed note. Once you have canceled your booking may be re-booked but not reinstated.
Payments are not refundable at all on tours or cruise groups that are are SOLD OUT, tours announced as GO or Guaranteed Departures or any land tours. Once your tour is booked, we count on your participation. For Guaranteed Departure tours cancelation fees are due for any portion of a canceled tour, including options. Guaranteed Departures are announced on the tour website and you will receive an email when your tour is confirmed as a GO. Once the GO tour is announced by email you have 48 hours to cancel before the penalty goes into effect. In some instances once the GO portion has been announced it will be included in information on the welcome email during the booking process, then, payments are not refundable at anytime for any reason unless there are provable extenuating circumstances,(including, but without limitation, acts of God, explosion, flood, tempest, forceful wind, fire or accident, war or threat of war declared or undeclared, acts of terrorism, sabotage, insurrection, riots, strikes, civil disturbance, requisition, disappearance, sickness, pandemic, epidemic, quarantine, government intervention, bank failure, economic catastrophe, economic monetary changes, currency devaluation, currency collapse, weather conditions, defects in machinery and vehicles, delay, wildlife, catastrophic illness, travelers involuntary loss of job, death, or other untoward occurrences).
We cannot consider cancelation refunds with 125 days left before travel in any circumstance. Refunds are not available after the final payment has been made. We strongly encourage travel protection.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, such as (but not limited to) terrorist events, natural disasters, nuclear contamination, acts of war, civil unrest, travel bulletins or alerts, government prohibitions or regulations, currency collapse, bank default, epidemic or pandemic, itineraries, acts of God, teachers, payment deadlines, schedules (dates), etc. are subject to change at any time. At times a tour/cruise may need to be canceled, postponed or rescheduled. A rescheduled or postponed tour/cruise is not a cancelled tour and does not end your obligation to travel. Your booking a cruise our tour with us indicates your understanding of this policy.
The cancellation policies below remains unchanged and in effect should any of the above occur. Registering for any cruise or tour indicates your agreement to such changes in advance.
Once you have canceled your participation in any trip, that removes you from our participant list and your place is forfeited. Your booking cannot be reinstated. As such anything that occurs after you cancel or subsequent to your cancellation has no effect on your booking. To transfer to another tour, you MUST register for that tour. Transfers are not automatic.
Refunds made by wetravel.com are made to the manner in which the booking is paid. World of Quilts Travel/Deb Roberts’ Tours is not responsible for any fees or charges due to currency conversion rate changes OR should your refund not be accepted by your bank. This includes any fees associated with having to process a refund outside of wetravel.com, such as wire transfer fees, currency conversions, etc. Refund made by World of Quilts Travel/Deb Roberts’ Tours will always be made in USD no matter what currency they are paid in. Thank you for understanding.
RESCHEDULED/POSTPONED TOURS, TRIPS OR CRUISES: Although we would never take such a decision lightly, we reserve the right to cancel or reschedule a tour or a cruise to a later date due to any circumstances that might affect the overall tour/cruise/retreat desired outcome, health or safety of our guests. For postponed or rescheduled tours, the original dates for payment and cancellation deadlines are still in effect. If you do not wish to participate on a rescheduled tour, please cancel your participation within 72 hours of notification of the date change. Please refer to our policy for postponed trips. Force Majeure is in effect for all trips and retreats. If we do not receive a cancellation or other request within 48 hours it is understood you wish to continue on the trip and accept the current deadlines and penalties. We may need to ask you to re-register for the new dates. As a rescheduled trip is not a canceled trip, any cancellations after the initial 72 hours will fall under our cancellation policy for the your originally booked tour (not the new dates for a rescheduled tour). The minimum cancelation fee for canceling a rescheduled trip is the amount of your original deposit. It may be more. Travel protection is encouraged, Force Majeure will remain in effect for the foreseeable future. If you fail to register for the rescheduled tour within 60 days of the date we notified you of a postponed or rescheduled tour, we cannot hold your place and you are subject to any new pricing and/or the loss of any paid funds. If we do not hear from you in 90 days, your participation will be canceled. Booking a tour or cruise indicates your understanding and acceptance of this policy.
We reserve the right to cancel any tour or cruise for any reason at any time, even if we have deemed a cruise or tour is a ‘go’. This is solely our decision and will be final. If we cancel a tour or a cruise you will get a full refund unless we are under Force Majeure, please see definition above. In this case, depending on the situation, none or only a portion of your payment may be refunded as we have already paid non-refundable payments on your trip. Please be sure you have purchased travel protection. However, if you decide you must cancel, the following applies.
In order to get a refund, a cancellation must be received before the last date to cancel date on your booking contract with wetravel.com, or with more than 125 days to travel, no later. The administration fee and cancellation deadline is indicated on your wetravel.com booking contract. These deadlines are final. Once a final payment invoice has been sent, there are no refunds for any reason.
Once you have canceled your trip, it cannot be reinstated.
Invoices are sent four times within the 7 days prior to the a payment deadline. Any late payment will cancel your trip without refund unless prior arrangements have been made.
Refunded payments made in another currency or converted through another currency are refunded in that currency from a US bank. We are not responsible for any currency changes or fluctuations that would make your refund differ from what you pay no matter the reason for the refund. You may be refunded more than you paid, and that is fine. If less than you paid, we cannot accept responsibility on the timing of currency changes.
When a Holland America or Princess cruise is canceled by the cruise line, unless we report differently based on the specific cruise, we will be making deposit refunds in lieu of any other offers so that it is the same and equitable for everyone in the group. Should you deviate from this policy and make your own refund request or future cruise arrangements using a deposit we have paid on your behalf to the cruise line, any deposits left with us for other expenses such as teachers, events, etc. will be forfeited.
When a trip, event or tour is paid in full at registration (those costing under $500 total) a cancel by date or cancellation deadline is given on our booking information for the purposes of any refund, there are no exceptions to receiving a refund for any reason if you cancel on or after this date.
For tours/cruises over $500, unless otherwise stated, there is an administration fee for any canceled tours/cruises by the traveler after a deposit has been received up until the cancellation date on your booking contract. The administration fee may vary and is stated on your booking contract. (see below). Please note, refunds of deposits are at the discretion of the tour leader and regretfully cannot be made once deposits are made to suppliers on your behalf. You will note the amount of the refundable portion for our tour and dates, in your booking contract.
However, for our VIKING RIVER CRUISE GROUPS, there is always a $250 non-refundable administration fee until the date listed in your booking agreement, after this date refunds are not possible.
All tours have partial and/or non-refundable deposits, please refer to the booking agreement for these details when you book.
Deposits are as stated in the amount on your tour registration and are required to secure reservations and hold your place on cruises and tours. Deposits are not fully refundable. See your booking agreement. Additional deposits may necessary if your tour included group air. Tours with airfare will always have an additional charge before the trip due to airline surcharges, taxes and fuel fees which vary considerably.
Insurance is highly recommended, and any reimbursements/payments on a claim are at the sole discretion of the insurance carrier.
Cancellations with name changes resulting from someone canceling their tour: If one roommate should cancel a tour after a payment is due ( and not paid ) or the final payment deadline, any new person signing up to take her place will pay the full tour amount to our office, regardless of whether the person who cancels has trip cancellation insurance.
Due to our frequent travel responsibilities, at times when we are not in our office refunds by check may take up to 5 or 6 weeks to process. Thank you for your understanding.
River Cruise Cancellations: If canceled prior the date on your booking contract, $250 of a river cruise deposit is not refundable.
For Cruises: Penalties apply on all cruise bookings once the final payment deadline established by Deb Roberts’ Tours occurs. Cruise penalties begin to occur on this final payment deadline because of the differences in cruise fares and the cost of the quilt related portion of your tour.
Booking numbers for your cruise will be sent out once the final payment deadline has passed and everyone’s booking is paid in full.
For Cruises: Should there be a request for any changes or cancellations of optional items such as onboard gifts, shore tours or transfers by the traveler after these have been paid for, refunds for that service are not possible. This would include cruise transfers, flights, pre or post-cruise tours or hotel nights, etc. When they can be made, CHANGES will result in a $100 per person fee for each change. Accommodation changes are subject to availability. This does not include any change fee imposed by the cruise line which may be additional.
Refunds are not possible after a final payment has been made or for any unused services, such as hotels, tours, entrances, etc.
Refund checks will will only be made by check written in US Dollars or by credit card refund to the card used to pay. They are made in USD and when you are aref refunded you accept responsibility for the difference should you pay in another currency and the exchange rate changes. On the sending or receiving end, Deb Roberts’ Tours will not be liable for checks lost in the mail, please be accurate with your address details. The requests of a wire transfer to a US bank is possible only with a $55 fee. Duplicate checks – misplace your check? We will happily re-issue another, however will need to assess the check cancel fee and service charge of $40 in order to send a new one. If your credit card number changes from the time you book, you must notify us immediately when you cancel. We are not responsible for refunds made to the incorrect account because we were not notified of a change prior to the refund.
Cancellation refunds for those who have purchased travel protection only cover the cost of your trip, they do not include the cost of your travel protection. Once it has been purchased, in most instances travel protection is not refundable.
Once you book, we make reservations and deposits on your behalf, often a year in advance of a tour. Cancellations made after any payment is more than 1 (one) week overdue may be made but there are no refunds.
Refunds for monies paid through wetravel.com are subject to their terms and conditions. We are not responsible to return currency conversion fee costs, credit card fees, differences due to currency exchange rates or any other add on they may charge please be aware of their terms when using their services and choose accordingly. When a check has to be issued because you have paid wetravel.com through your bank, you assume any additional fees paid over your actual trip costs. We do not return fees you have paid to wetravel.com. Should you prefer to be wired a refund, you are responsible for our bank fees. We are happy to help you if you would like to make other payment arrangements outside of wetravel.com, please contact us to arrange this for you.
Where entrance fees and/or tickets (including for flights) or any other services are included within a tour package, there are no refunds for any unused portion. This would also include any show tickets included with your tour and for which you may have also purchased a second set for any reason.
OPTIONS: Refunds are not allowed for cancellation of any part of options or unused portions or tickets or any payments that are the result of what you have selected once you’ve made the final payment whether you use them or not. You will be assessed a penalty for any unpaid balance for all selected activities once the final payment deadline has passed. As we have held space for you, you will not receive a refund for any portion of your tour after the final payment deadline and you remain responsible for the payment. If you do not make the payment, your trip may be canceled without refund at our discretion. Refunds are not allowed for unused tickets, classes, hotel bookings, meals, insurance, transfers or entry fees if they are not used on any cruise or tour. Refunds are not possible after the final payment has been made – insurance is strongly recommended.
KIT FEES: Once a kit has been ordered, refunds are not possible.
SOLD OUT AND “GO” Guaranteed Departure Tours: Once a tour or cruise is sold out or we have enough participants to insure its success we will send an email to all participants letting them know. Once this email is sent, that tour or cruise is in the penalty portion of the cancelation period, meaning the following applies:
- SOLD OUT TOURS, TRIPS AND CRUISES: Should an individual space be deposited and held, and a cruise, (this includes an individual cruise category within the group) trip, event or tour fills to capacity and potential travelers have been turned away, the allowed portion of any refund will not be made unless a replacement for that space wanting to cancel is found. A replacement must be found before 120 days to travel or this offer is no longer valid. Replacements are like for like. For example: Should you cancel cruise participation, if you are in an outside cabin and cancel, we would need to replace you with someone else wanting an outside cabin for any refund to be possible. Note: This does not apply after the final payment has been made or when the final payment deadline has passed when refunds are no longer possible. Travel protection is strongly encouraged.
- CONFIRMED GO TOURS/CRUISES: The same holds true of a tour or cruise is announced as a definite GO. We are depending on those who have signed up and committed to travel before we make this announcement. Once a GO announcement is made, a replacement will need to be found before any refunds may be made. ***
- Guests have 48 hours after receiving the GO notice to cancel without the additional penalty being applied. After 48 hours if a cancelation request is not received full penalty will be in effect and there are no refunds unless there is a replacement traveler in which all will be returned except for the deposit. Travel protection is strongly encouraged. A replacement must be found before 120 days to travel or this offer is no longer valid. ***
- In order to receive a refund under the above policy the cruise or tour must be up to date on all payments as a missed final payment will be automatically canceled without a refund.
***The only exception would be if the tour or cruise has to be canceled due to something outside of our control, such as war, economic catastrophe, pandemic, acts of God, terrorism, or other unexpected world event; involuntary loss of job, death or illness of traveler (resulting in the group falling below the minimum required number), etc. Travel protection is strongly encouraged, be certain it covers all possible circumstances.
TRANSFERS to OTHER TOURS or CRUISES: Transfer requests are considered cancellation requests (with the same requirements) as you are canceling participation on one tour or cruise to join another. Any funds that have been transferred from one tour to another are not refundable under any circumstance.
When transfers to another tour or cruise are possible, there is a $200 per person administration fee under the following circumstances:
Transfer Terms
- The transfer request is made in writing with at least 60 days remaining to the final payment deadline.
- If the tour or cruise you are transferring from is SOLD OUT, a replacement for you must be found prior to the transfer being made.
- The new tour or cruise must be of equal or greater value and a non-refundable full payment for the new tour is made in full at the time of the transfer.
WAITLIST: Should a tour be sold out and a waitlist accepted, if a spot opens people will be added to the tour in the order their registration was received. If two cancel, then we will replace with the next group of two on the list, if a single cancels, we will attempt to replace with the next single on the list. However, once your name is removed from the wait list to the tour, then you are responsible as if you had always been on that list. If you can no longer go, they we need to find you a replacement and so forth. We make every attempt to try to find replacements. If you no longer wish to be on the waitlist, you must notify us in writing before your name is removed from the waitlist and added to the tour list.
Those needing roommates: If a tour has sold out and people been turned away and we have assisted someone by introducing them to a possible roommate they have accepted, deposit refunds are not possible. If they no longer want the roommate choice, we are happy to place them in a private room and apply the single supplement to their invoice.
Changes and deviations are not allowed with 60 days or less before departure. Services are contracted through established tour cruise lines, companies and hotels, as well as other travel service providers in the United States and abroad, once the final payment has been made no refunds can be granted for any accommodations, services or events which are not used after this point. If you change your mind or deviate from any portion of the planned tour, no consideration can be given to a refund for unused services. Our tours are subject to a minimum number of people. Should fewer than the minimum people participate we reserve the right to cancel the tour or price adjustment may be necessary. It is our choice. Some restrictions apply. Deb Roberts Tours is a registered seller of travel in the State of California (#2090694-40). Please read below about possible additional charges for changes and deviations made to a tour or cruise.
When it is before 30 days until departure, changes, additions or deviations to a cruise or tour itinerary cannot be guaranteed. Change and itinerary deviation requests must be made in writing and a $300 fee for each change may be charged. Once a change is made, it may not be possible to reinstate the original booking.
Our group cruise bookings are made for a GROUP, thus everyone in the group pays our published price. To be fair to everyone in the group, we cannot change individual bookings to a different category without charging the group rate for that change. Should someone be a member of a cruise line’s loyalty plan we are happy to apply that number to your booking. Any upgrades are at the cruise line’s discretion, we are not involved in this process.
Changes For Ocean Cruises:
- Less than 120 days to sailing: Refunds are not possible once the final payment has been made. There will be a service fee of $300 a person to make any name changes or additions, itinerary changes or deviations within a booking, plus any fees charged by the cruise line which may include forfeit of the full cost for a person who’s name is changed, there are no refunds or transfers this close to a cruise.
- A service charge of $100 per each change per person to a booking may be applied for any change made in a cruise booking, plus any additional charges applied by the cruise company. These charges may include the entire cost of your space if you are changing people from the original booking.
Changes For River Cruises:
Changes and deviations must be made prior to the final payment on any river cruise, this includes the addition of or removal of airfare, air plus, transfers, cabin changes, date changes or pre or post cruise tours. If it is possible, any change or deviation made after this time will incur a $200 per person change fee plus any fees that might be charged by the cruise line. Changes are not allowed with 30 days or less until departure. Refunds are not possible after the final payment has been made.
For Tours: Any changes to your program may incur a $200 change fee per person for each revision plus applicable charges by tour company, provider, airline, train, etc. Flights purchased for you as a result of your participation in a group tour cannot be refunded or changed at any time once the final payment has been made.
INTERNATIONAL BOOKINGS: Some cruise lines (Viking in particular) may not allow you to access your booking from your country if you reside outside of the USA. This means you may not be able to make VIKING reservation requests for shore tours or other options online.The best advice I have is that you have a VPN on for your internet service and change the country to the USA, this way you will be recognized as being in the USA when you are online. Otherwise, you may telephone Viking USA in the US at 1-855-338-4546. We are not able to assist with the booking of shore tours or options from our end.
NAME CHANGES: Names cannot be altered or changed within 160 days of travel. Name changes before this time may incur a $250 change fee from the supplier. Name changes on cruise cabins will be also charged per the cruise line schedule for changing names in addition to the change fee. Cruise lines have very strict rules about changing names, please be certain names are correct when booking. It is not always possible to change a name other than correct a typo error.
LAND/SEA ARRANGEMENTS: Deb Roberts and/or any supplier reserve the right to reschedule or change the itinerary due to unforeseen circumstances or emergencies.
PASSPORTS and VISAS: Passport and visa fees are not included on any tour or cruise program. For international travel (including Canada and Mexico) please be certain that your passports are still valid for 6 months after your return. For those who are traveling with me that are not US citizens, please check the visa requirements for the country/countries we are visiting with regard to your country of passport. While I will inform you about any visa requirements to the best of my knowledge, ultimately it is your responsibility to know and to have secured all necessary visa stamps before departure, or be fully prepared to receive an entry visa upon arrival if this is the case. Passport ‘cards’ are often not acceptable for International travel, even to Mexico or Canada. It is the holder’s responsibility to determine whether their passport card is acceptable for the travel they are booking.
VACCINATIONS/IMMUNIZATIONS: It is incumbent upon the traveler to understand each international region’s vaccination requirements and suggestions. These can be found at the CDC website for travelers. It is the traveler’s responsibility to know their own health history and what may or may not be allowed as far as vaccinations or prophylactic medications apply. Deb Roberts’ Tours will not be liable for any immunization or vaccination issues, nor illnesses developed because of, or lack of vaccines or preventative medication related to any trip, cruise or tour. It is the traveler’s responsibility to check with their physician or travel medicine provider regarding vaccinations needed for every country. We do not give advice on such things. With certain medical conditions, immunizations are contraindicated – be sure to check with your physician. NOTE!!! Immunizations and vaccinations are your responsibility. It is not possible for us to recommend what you would need, we are not your health care provider. For International travel, please check with the https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel website for your destination to check on recommended travel immunizations. This should be done beginning 6 months prior to your trip. You are undertaking travel at your own risk, do be sure to take care to know what immunizations you may need. Covid 19 vaccinations are required by all travelers on all journeys.
MASKS: Masks will be required as requested by any supplier or Deb Roberts’ Tour representative. Until further notice, masks will be worn during workshops on Holland America ships. Failure to wear a mask when requested will be a cause for being banned from group activities.
MEDICAL ISSUES: Many of our tours include a lot of activities, including extensive walking and walking on uneven surfaces that be strenuous for some people. This is particularly true in Europe, including England and Ireland, Asia and in Bali. (Bali has very uneven sidewalks, stair heights and often, no stair rails. At times some accommodations have only stairs and no elevators.) It is your responsibility to determine your fitness level and health status to participate fully or at all.
It is each traveler’s responsibility to check with their medical provider regarding any health issue that may arise by participating on the trip, and NOT participate should this be in question. If you are in a situation requiring any assistance of any kind at any time, you must bring and be responsible for all necessary items related to your condition including an assistant should you require help during the trip. Deborah Roberts or Deb Roberts Tours’ shall not be liable for any circumstances relating to your condition, before, during or after the tour. Refund deadlines apply, even in all medical situations – insurance strongly recommended. If you require a wheelchair or scooter, you must provide your own small, collapsible wheelchair or scooter and on cruises you must comply with the cruise line’s individual wheelchair/scooter policy. Many features on our trips may not be wheelchair or scooter – accessible. We cannot provide any walking or wheelchair assistance or guarantee accessibility at any destination, if assistance is required, please bring someone along to assist you. For those requiring assistance of a cane or a walker, many of our destinations require a lot of strenuous walking and are hampered by distance, cobblestones or poor pavement. Please consider your ability to participate carefully. As we are not insured to provide assistance, please bring an assistant along to aid you should you require help. Many hotels and coaches in foreign countries are only accessible by stairs. It is your ultimate responsibility to know your limitations and not undertake the tour, cruise or any activity that might be restrictive to you. You are responsible for your own assistant during the tour, if you require someone to assist you in any way, you need to secure someone to travel with you before departing on the trip. Deborah Roberts or Deb Roberts’ Tours is not responsible for walking or wheelchair assistance, or, the costs of any medical treatment you may require during the trip. Under no circumstances is Deborah Roberts responsible or liable for the quality of medical care, or lack thereof, you may receive while on the trip. In some areas medical care may not be possible without additional travel expenses being incurred by the traveler or their family. These expenses are the responsibility of the traveler and individual payment arrangements with the medical provider must be made by the traveler at the time care is rendered. Deborah Roberts is not responsible or liable for the lack of medical care in any area or any additional fees that may be associated with finding and securing medical care. Insurance that includes medical coverage while traveling is highly recommended.
At their discretion, if Deb Roberts’ Tours feel it is necessary a letter from your physician stating you are fit to travel without assistance and walk on your own at moderate to heavy activity levels will be required prior to your travels.
AGAIN: Many of our tours include walking, walking up hills, on stairways, cobblestone streets, stair climbing (without elevator access) and other uneven areas. At times the walking pace may be fast and somewhat strenuous. For your safety, you must be able to participate without assistance or bring someone to assist you.
If there is any medical condition that exists or there is ANY question regarding your ability to participate in a safe and healthy manner in our schedule of activities, please consult your physician before registering for the trip and provide an image of an original signed letter on letterhead from them to us, stating that you are fit to travel safely without assistance. Failure to comply may result in refusal to accommodate you on the trip and all penalties will apply. Deb Roberts’ Tours will not be responsible for any expenses incurred in this situation.
Should you become ill during travels, you will need to seek medical assistance and care from a licensed health care provider, not our staff. Our staff is not qualified to render medical care or opinions at any time.
One of the reasons for travel is to see and experience different cultures. As such, things (such as toilets) in some of the countries we visit are not the same as you would find at home. Also, many foreign countries do not meet ADA standards and accessibility may not be possible. If these things concern you, please be aware of what type of facilities they have in the area you are traveling to before committing to the trip. Please, it is your responsibility to check the US DEPT of STATE website to determine if there are any issues that would keep you from wanting to travel to your destination. ALSO, check the CDC website for any known illness or vaccination suggestions. Once you book it is assumed you have followed through with this request and assume responsibility for any CDC or DEPT of STATE warnings.
VIDEOS, PHOTOGRAPHS and IMAGES: Images taken of private individuals, institutional images (as any objects in museums, galleries, or private industries) that were included as part of a tour or cruise on ALL trip itineraries are to be used for personal use and study only. Permission to sell or to publish such images (including online) or in any way otherwise use any cruise/tour for personal profit is expressly forbidden.
The use of photography or videography is not allowed within a workshop/classroom for any reason. Photography/Videography is not allowed for commercial purposes at any time.
Trips, itineraries and provided information are the property of the visited facility and/ or the intellectual property of Deb Roberts Tours and are protected by copyright law. No passenger or guest shall attempt to duplicate, sell or otherwise profit from anything learned from this tour at any time. This includes any images that may be taken. Images and information are allowed for personal use only.
Photographs, videos and images of the group are randomly taken throughout the trip. Registration implies permission to use your image or photograph in any and all marketing materials by Deb Roberts’ Tours or sponsoring organizations. If you choose not to have your photo taken and used for publicity, you must send by certified mail, a signed letter stating this request before the trip departure date.
Deborah Roberts reserves the right to cancel any tour, teacher or itinerary for any reason as well as the right to decline the registration or a booking of any trip participant. Additionally, at any time, Deborah Roberts reserves the right to cancel the tour/cruise of any participant who in sole her opinion, may affect the health, safety, enjoyment or attitude of other participants or has a potential conflict of interest.
Conflict of Interest: Should it be discovered that an agent of another agency or a friend or employee acting on behalf of another agency, or anyone acting on behalf of a quilt or crafting related tour provider has registered for a cruise or tour offered by Deb Roberts’ Tours or World of Quilts Travel, immediate cancellation will occur without refund. If this is discovered after the tour/cruise begins, participation with the group by that person will be discontinued, no refunds will be possible. The same goes for any participant who is deemed to be attending the cruise/tour with the purpose of promoting another cruise or tour or using the trip to entertain thoughts of having their own similar cruise or tour in the future. When such activity is discovered or inferred, the participant will be canceled or banned from tour participation. As such, participants agree not to organize, operate, promote or sponsor a similar tour or cruise activity for a period of 3 years after the tour in question is completed.
NO BUSINESS/SELF PROMOTION: Our tours and cruises are designed for the sole enjoyment of our guests. It is their vacation. They are not there to hear about anyone’s business, classes or best deal offers For this reason, there is to be no self promotion of any kind, whether it be sales or your teaching resume. Should someone engage in this activity they will be asked to leave the group without refund or compensation.
BANK FAILURE/FINANCIAL CATROSTOPHE: Deb Roberts’ Tours, Deborah Roberts, World of Quilts Travel, are not responsible for the return of deposits or any refunds in the event of bank failure, the establishment of a digital currency or any economic event that would cause national or international economic crisis or chaos.
**Force Majeure is in effect on all bookings.
Deb Roberts’ Tours, Deborah Roberts, World of Quilts Travel are not responsible for booking errors (name spelling, middle names, etc.). Please check your booking with any cruise line or airline for spelling or date inaccuracies. If you have not been booked correctly please notify us at once so we can attempt to make an adjustment.
PRICE ADJUSTMENTS: There is a potential for price increases under the following conditions: Deb Roberts’ Tours reserves the right to adjust the tour price at anytime before travel commences as a result of any of the following: (1) trade fairs; (2) a greater than 1% change in the relevant currency rates; (3) changes in government taxation or fuel costs/surcharges; (4) Supplier cost increases. Your booking of any tour or cruise indicates your understanding and agreement to a price increase under any of the above conditions. ANY REFUNDS of payments to wetravel.com may not include monies that differ because of a currency rate exchange.
TEACHERS: Cruise teachers, please note. You are not registered under the same conditions as our student guests, therefore, unless specifically indicated in your contract, any special offers by the cruise line will not apply to you or your companion. Any referral payments apply to full cruise price guests only.
Teachers may choose to purchase travel protection, however, it is understood that you will reimburse Deb Roberts’ Tours for the amount of the claim for cancellation as we have paid for your trip. Please note – you must request coverage for travel protection, it is not automatic.
PERSONAL ITEMS: Deb Roberts’ Tours/Deborah Roberts cannot be held responsible and will not be liable for any damage, loss or theft of any client’s personal belongings, accessories or luggage.
IN ADDITION: Deborah Roberts is an independent organizer for your cruise or tour. As such, Deborah Roberts and her representatives act only as organizers for the tour members, while the suppliers make arrangements for hotels, transportation, sightseeing, entrance fees, restaurants or any other services in connection with the itinerary. Deborah Roberts and suppliers will exercise reasonable care in making such arrangements, however, they do not assume any liability whatsoever, for any injury, illness, damage, loss, accident or delay to person or property because of any epidemic, pandemic, acts of war or terrorism, any act of default of any bank, hotel, carrier, coaching company, restaurant, company or person rendering any of the services included in the tours. The tickets, coupons, tariffs, rules or contracts currently in use by any carrier, hotel, restaurant or other contractor rendering services shall constitute the sole contract between such contractor and you, the individual tour member. Deborah Roberts or suppliers, accept no responsibility for any damage or delay due to sickness, pilferage, labor disputes, machinery breakdown, quarantine, government restraints, weather, or any other cause beyond their personal control. No carrier shall be responsible for any act, omission or event during the time passengers are not on board its own conveyance.
The right is reserved to postpone tours/cruises, cancel or change itineraries, hotels, or substitute teachers, projects, or services without notice and to decline to accept or retain any passenger at any time and do not accept responsibility for same. In view of statutory or contractual limitations that may apply to personal injury, illness, death or property damage losses, the purchase of accident and baggage insurance is strongly recommended.
SAFETY: Safety while traveling is always a concern. Even in the United States, sometimes even close to our own homes there are areas where traveling alone is not recommended. The same goes for international destinations. Health and safety cannot be guaranteed in any country on any tour, even though our agents, escorts, guides and tour operators take every safeguard. The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveler. The traveler is also responsible for his or her own personal health maintenance and safety. Please familiarize yourself with the US government travel warnings (if any) for the area you wish to visit. These can be found at http://travel.state.gov/
Please also check the CDC website, https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel We abide by policies and statutes set up and suggested by United States health and safety authorities such as the CDC.
CONTACT INFORMATION: It is the responsibility of the traveler to keep Deb Roberts’ Tours updated to changes in any contact information, including email and regular mail addresses. Failure to do so may result in loss of space and/or deposit should you not receive your final payment invoice.
PRIVACY: At times, and only with your specific permission, your email address and/or cruise booking number will be shared on a list provided to members of your group (only) after a group tour commences. We do not share it before asking or before a tour and will never share it with a 3rd party.
Registration paperwork – mailed registration paperwork must include the signature of the traveler. Paperwork without the travelers signature will not be accepted. Please, do not sign the forms for anyone else.
Terms and conditions apply once registration has been received.
Please note all refund deadlines – travel protection is strongly recommended.
In the event of banking crisis or national/international monetary crisis, refunds may not be possible.
We are not responsible for omissions, technical errors or technical issues, system mis-configuration or typographical errors. If there is a question about a booking, please ask before you book.
Trips, itineraries, inclusions and provided information are the intellectual property of Deb Roberts Tours and are protected by copyright law. No passenger or guest shall attempt to duplicate, sell or escort or otherwise profit from a similar tour at any time after completing travel with Deb Roberts’ Tours or subsidiary World of Quilts Travel.
We try to avoid agency fees, however, we reserve the right to charge additional surcharges, handling or booking fees at any time. Please inquire.
One should periodically review these Terms and Conditions until your tour commences as Deb Roberts’ Tours may revise them from time to time as may be appropriate. Registering for a cruise or tour constitutes your agreement to each term and condition until your tour begins, no matter when posted.
By registering for the tour, you give us permission to add your email address to any of our own newsletter or campaign lists and only with your permission, share it with others on your cruise or tour participant list. We will not share your email with third parties or without your consent.
Contest winner? Our obligation ends when your prize is shipped from our facility, we will notify you when your parcel ships. In the case where it is purchased on your behalf, our obligation ends when that purchase is made. We are not responsible or liable for delays or shipping errors.
**Further notes about FORCE MAJEURE:
If Deborah J Roberts LLC/Deb Roberts’ Tours, and/or any of its travel suppliers, are affected by Force Majeure, they shall be entitled to, and may in their sole and absolute discretion, vary or cancel any itinerary or arrangement in relation to the trip. Payment of any refund by Deborah J Roberts LLC/Deb Roberts’ Tours to you as a result of the non-performance of any obligations hereunder shall remain in its sole and absolute discretion. Your booking of a cruise or a tour through Deb Roberts’ Tours indicates your understanding and acceptance of the this paragraph. Travel protection is strongly suggested.
Regarding civil unrest, once Deborah J Roberts LLC/Deb Roberts’ Tours has investigated the prevailing situation, as it deems fit, it shall remain in Deborah J Roberts LLC/Deb Roberts’ Tours sole and absolute discretion whether to proceed with the trip. You may in such circumstances cancel the trip subject to Deborah J Roberts LLC/Deb Roberts’ Tours and each supplier’s terms and conditions.
We are not responsible for omissions, errors, technical errors or technical issues, system mis-configuration.
This business has a bond issued by (Surety Bonds Direct in the amount of $50,000.00
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
The following Traveler Waiver and Release of Liability applies to all guests and all tours/cruises. By utilizing the services of Deb Roberts’ Tours with any supplier (Deb Roberts’ Tours, cruise line, hotel, coach company, train line, etc.) I understand I am accepting and undertaking travel at my own risk. I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, adminis
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, I acknowledge and fully understand that for my safety, travel arrangements may be changed, interrupted or cancelled by the supplier, a government entity, or another third party that is outside of Deb Roberts’ Tours control for reasons that are unforeseeable at this time.
At this time Covid vaccines are not required by the Deb Roberts’ Tours office. However, by booking I agree to and understand and will agree to any country or supplier’s (Deb Roberts’ Tours, cruise line, hotel, airline, coach company, etc.)health rules and regulations regarding Covid 19, (which may change on a daily basis) including vaccinations, physical distancing, isolation and mask wearing. If I do not I may be banned from group participation without reciprocation.
I also understand and acknowledge that the purchase of travel insurance has been recommended and that coverage for circumstances such as these depends on the specific policy I purchase. Should I elect to obtain coverage, the travel insurance policy obtained by me to cover these travel arrangements will dictate any coverage for financial loss resulting from various circumstances. I understand I should check with the Travel Insurer with any questions I may have about coverage. By booking this cruise or tour I acknowledge that if illness occurs I will be liable for additional fees and travel protection has been encouraged.
I understand a PCR or antigen Covid 19 test may be required for travel to or from our tour country and I will take the responsibility to learn which test is needed and deadlines for taking it at my own expense. Deb Roberts Tours assumes no responsibility for any Covid 19 pre or post travel test information.
If traveling on a cruise, it is each travelers responsibility to check on any cancellation or credit programs a cruise line may be offering due to Covid 19 and deadlines for same. Please stay updated as these are subject to change at anytime.
Each guest is required to bring at least one (1) antigen Covid test kit that includes two (2) covid tests with them. It is the responsibility of each guest to take a covid test when symptomatic and quarantine at their own expense should their test be positive. Participation with the group or continuation on the tour will not be possible (no refunds provided – insurance is strongly encouraged to cover such medical issues and additional expenses to isolate). By booking a tour/cruise here you indicate that you understand should you become ill or injured that you are responsible for separate accommodations and staying in place until you are recovered to return home.
As such, either in the past or in the present, by booking a tour or cruise with Deb Roberts’ Tours I hereby agree to hold Deb Roberts’ Tours/World of Quilts Travel harmless and release it from any and all liability for any damages including, without limitation, monetary losses, damage to person or property, illness/disease/death, delays, negligence, or inconvenience, that I may incur as a result of the circumstances described herein.
As part of our terms, be sure to review our Travel Safely with Covid page here.
Our privacy policy may be found by going here.
We reserve the right to cancel anyone at anytime for any reason.